Chapter 2 – Operational Amplifiers Introduction Textbook CD
The OP-AMP Terminals Symbol Power Supplies Exercise 2.1
The Ideal OP-AMP _ Open-loop gain Exercise 2.2 i(-) Inverting RO vid A -VS vid Inverting Noninverting Output + _ i(-) i(+) vO = Advid RO A Ri Open-loop gain Exercise 2.2
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS The Inverting Configuration Closed-Loop Gain Virtual Short-Circuit Virtual Ground Negative and Positive Feedback The inverting closed-loop configuration.
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS The Closed-Loop Gain Analysis of the inverting configuration
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS Effect of Finite Open-Loop Gain
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS Example 2.1
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS Input and Output Resistances
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS Example 2.2
Analysis of Circuits Containing Ideal OP-AMPS Exercises
Other Applications of the Inverting Configuration With General Impedances
Other Applications of the Inverting Configuration Example 2.3
A difference amplifier.
Applications of superposition to the analysis of the current circuit of Fig.. 2.21.
Finding the input resistance of the difference amplifier.
Representation of the common-mode and differential components of the input signal to a difference amplifier. Note that v1 = vCM - vd/2 and v2 = vCM + vd/2.
(a) A popular circuit for an instrumentation amplifier (a) A popular circuit for an instrumentation amplifier. (b) Analysis of the circuit in (a) assuming ideal op-amps. (c) To make the gain variable, R1 is implemented as the series combination of a fixed resister R1f and a variable resistor R1v. Resistor R1f ensures that the maximum available gain is limited.
Open-loop gain of a typical general-purpose internally compensated op amp.
(a) Unity-gain follower. (b) Input step waveform (a) Unity-gain follower. (b) Input step waveform. (c) Linearly rising output waveform obtained when the amplifier is slew-rate limited. (d) Exponentially rising output waveform obtained when V is sufficiently small so that the initial slope (wtV) is smaller then or equal to SR.
Effect of slew-rate limiting on output sinusoidal waveforms.