Loved by the Son (2) Rom. 8:9-11 (Text: Jn. 14:21) Theme: Whoever loves Jesus will be loved by Jesus. (Focus: Jesus is continually with His people through the indwelling Holy Spirit.) 24/05/09 (am)
The sending of another Counsellor (John 14:16,26) The Son would send another Helper, cf. John 16:7. The Father would send another Helper, cf. John 14:26.
Another - word means another just like the first (i.e. Jesus). Helper - One called along side [to help]. The Greek word is very rich in meaning!
Jesus is continually with you if you are a Christian. A comfort and a challenge! Jesus is also in the Christian through the Holy Spirit, cf. Jn. 14:17; Rom. 8:9-11.
The Other Counsellor indwells Followers of Christ Difficult subject! How/where does the Spirit indwell a person?
The Spirit dwells in the inner man, cf. Eph. 3: The inner man includes: heart, mind, soul/spirit. The Spirit daily renews the inner man, cf. 2 Cor. 4:16
The indwelling Spirit means that Jesus is with the Christian and in the Christian at all times. This is: - a wonder ( cf. Deut. 29:29), - a comfort, - a challenge.
The Work of the Spirit in Christians (post-conversion!) The Holy Spirit: -gives awareness of status in Christ, cf. Rom. 8:15-17; - teaches, cf. John 14:26; - gives gifts for ministry, cf. 1 Cor. 12:4-11;
-guides, cf. John 16:13; Acts 16:6-10; -prompts to pray, witness, act; -convicts of sin; -produces holiness. Generally, all of God’s dealings with us are done through the Agent of holiness.
Conclusion – You are not alone Christian, Jesus is with you through the Spirit; Jesus is in you through the Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit you have a helper, adviser, strengthener, encourager, counsellor, advocate.
Meditate on this truth daily! Feed off it for spiritual nourishment. The sending of the Spirit is a glorious manifestation of Jesus’ love for those who love Him.