G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb 20051 Tracker Progress Contents:- Station Space Frame Patch Panel / Vacuum Seal Light Guide Map Position of Degrader/Support.


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Presentation transcript:

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Tracker Progress Contents:- Station Space Frame Patch Panel / Vacuum Seal Light Guide Map Position of Degrader/Support

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Station The bare carbon fibre station machined and ready to accept the scintillating fibre planes.

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Station ‘Connectorisation’ Each station has a total of 30 connectors, 10 per view. Each connector has 22 holes instead of the previous 18 but all of these are not used in every connector. All 3 planes are aligned and glued before the ‘connectorisation’ can begin. This is one of the main areas where a rigid QA system will need to be implemented. The photograph shows Roger Hare fitting connectors to the 4 th prototype station at Imperial on Monday.

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Space Frame Components All of the components that make the space frame assemblies have been or are in the process of being manufactured. Tooling The jigs that align the space frames are all manufactured. One further development?

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Connector Map 126 Way 128 Way 125 Way View ‘W’ 211 Channels View ‘V’ 211 Channels View ‘X’ 211 Channels This is the connector map created for the KEK Test beam prototype. It will be updated for the final detector and will be a more uniform layout.

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Connector 1 View ‘V’ 18 Way Bundles 2 – 19 To Bulkhead Connector - 1 Station connector Viewed from the polished face x x xx

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Bulkhead Connector 1 View ‘V’ 126 Way Bundles 2 – 127 in ‘V’ From Connectors C1 – C6 Station connector Viewed from the polished face x x

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Lead Diffuser The lead diffuser will sit inside the bore of the cryostat at a position of Z = This is 238mm from the tracker plane. It will be supported on a spider that is fixed to the patch panel and can be put into position in ‘thin slices’. This gives 2 advantages:- it can be put into position in manageable pieces (weight) and the thickness/position can easily be changed. Extended guide studs also give more security during the installation.

G.Barber Tracker Update, Berkeley 10 Feb Conclusions There is still a great deal to design and detail and a few outstanding problems to solve but overall the design should be pretty much as for the prototype. So once the prototype is completed in the next few weeks and assuming we find no major problems with the construction philosophy we can then concentrate on the final detailed design.