Executive / Professional Level Aptitude Tests June Kay Careers Development Consultant Level A / B Psychometric Testing Trained
∂ Why are Psychometric test used? Predict job performance better than most other single selection methods Tests give objective information about candidates Measuring potential rather than attainment Free from cultural bias??
∂ Methods On-line Paper Based Exam conditions Accuracy and speed Marked against appropriate Norm group Reached required level
∂ Results Normal distribution Percentile – you are better than X% in norm group T-Score – allows them to combine sores across tests Weighting – depends upon requirements of role
∂ To improve ……. Complete more practice tests on-line Face-to-face GATs Books Critical Thinking: An Introduction Management Level Psychometric & Assessment Tests How to Pass Professional Level Psychometric Tests How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Pamphlet – Improve your Numeracy, University of Birmingham / Bristol
∂ To sit these tests on-line… …….contact June Kay she will arrange access codes and explain the process.