How Adults Learn
Cognitive Domain- Knowledge Bloom’s Taxonomy knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation
Psychomotor Domain- Skills Bloom’s Taxonomy observing preparing performing/aided acting facility
Affective Domain- Attitudes Bloom’s Taxonomy paying attention participating valuing value system adopting outlook
Skill Acquisition Dreyfus model (1980) novice advanced beginner competent proficient expert master é3rd year student égraduating student échief resident éboard eligible (+2years) é5-10 years practice é?
Summary The “apprenticeship” model is rapidly being replaced by adult learning – Competency based – Objectives driven – Consistent evaluation methods
Summary 2 Different learners require different learning methods and assistance Learning is hierarchical and increases in complexity and interrelatedness Learning requires prerequisite knowledge and/or experience Varied learning opportunities and experiences enhance retention Something learned may not be able to be used!