Outstanding Questions COS 4860
Conflict ► What is the most effective means of conflict resolution?
Conflict ► Choose your time carefully ► Set some groundrules I statements No name-calling ► Explore the issue of concern thoroughly form both sides First mentally Then verbally
Conflict ► Ignore “baiting” and encourage all parties to do the same. ► Acknowledge the difficulty of the conversation and the courage it takes to have a serious discussion. ► Teach listening skills to the group prior to the discussion ► Role model listening skills during the conversation.
Conflict ► Remember! ► Our imagination is almost always worse than reality. ► As a facilitator you Acknowledge the conflict Help each part understand the other Use process interventions to keep the conversation moving in a productive way Call it off, when emotions are too high – but bring it up again later
Conflict ► Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what Matters Most (Stone) ► Role Play
Process ► At what point does process become a hindrance? Process is a tool to move a group forward. To ensure balanced participation and progress towards a shared goal. Process is a hindrance when ► It shifts the topic of discussion away from a productive conversation. ► It impedes progress toward the goal of the group.
Transitions ► How to transition from one topic to another? What is your purpose? What are your products? Build a roadmap that allows for flexibility but has milestones and a clear direction
Transitions ► Exercise You are facilitating a group that is concerned about neighborhood vandalism. The neighborhood watch program fizzled out last year. The neighborhood association has submitted a grant for a youth recreation program – it wasn’t funded. Other neighborhoods have programs they consider successful. You have 3 2-hour meetings.
Facilitation vs. Direction ► How important is it that everyone be involved to promote buy-in and creativity? ► Is it a violation of policy or procedure? ► Is it an ethical or moral issue? ► Does the group have the task maturity to handle the topic?
Anxiety ► How to increase the comfort level and reduce anxiety? Be clear about the direction and purpose. Ground rules Listening skills Focus on the process
Diversity ► How to manage diverse ages? Diversity is an asset. Use process to bring out alternative perspectives and demonstrate that all perspectives are valuable.
Lack of Support ► How to handle a client that does not support the outcome of the facilitation? ► Ideas?
Lack of Support ► Contract that is clear about the process and possible outcomes. ► Discuss the value of group process and consensus. ► See conflict and how to have difficult conversations!
Manipulation ► Can you persuade someone using facilitation skills? A skilled facilitator can be very effective at manipulation. Ethics should remain a focus at all times, even when not facilitating. Facilitation skills are valuable in families, friendships, the workplace, business transactions etc.
Time Management ► Is there a method or technique to determining how long or how many sessions?
Keep Coming Back ► How to motivate them to come back? See previous discussions Cookies and punch
Practice ► How do you practice? Role plays Play with process Mental exercises
YIKES! ► If there is a physical altercation how should it be handles?