My Experience Went to AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand. Instant friends for life Lived on campus, city centre University very similar but also very different
Why NZ? Many similarities to the UK but couldn’t be more different Maori culture is something everyone should experience and at AUT you will- Noho Marae Most unique place in the world- sand dunes, 90 mile beach, snow topped mountains, dolphins/whales/penguins, natural hot pools, extreme sports capital of the world, hot water beach, glaciers, greenery (lord of the rings), good city/night life, THE PEOPLE! Doesn’t take long to travel round- North/South Island
Explore the continent Went to Australia- Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast & Melbourne Close to Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga When else will you be 2-3 hours away?
Neil Hood Scholarship APPLY FOR IT!!! Easy to apply, just put in a little effort No major commitment You need all the help you can get It helps a lot…trust me!
Advice Don’t waste a second Explore at every opportunity Be serious about applying Don’t be scared/worried Need to be aware/prepared This isn’t cheap but it’s worth it! Unique opportunity- 6 months of travelling without a gap year- can you afford not to? Go to NZ!