RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG FEAD Congress in Stockholm Egbert Tölle RETHMANN Entsorgungs AG & Co. KG - Member of the Board - Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe und Effects of the EU Enlargement on Waste Streams - View of a waste management company -
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe EU Enlargement 2004 Enormous challenge for waste management industry New Member States on their way to „recovery“ industry Risk waste“dumping“ through waste shipment to new Member States Effects on international waste shipment
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Waste shipment between Member States „Waste for disposal“ principle of self-sufficiency „Waste for recovery“ free commodity (restrictions regarding contents and target countries) Legal Framework EC Regulation on waste shipments based on Basle Convention and OECD Council Decision Accession Treaty and transition periods for diverse legislation: - EU Landfill Directive - EU Incineration Directive - EU Packaging Directive - EC Waste Shipment Regulation Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe State of Affairs and Legislation
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG A chieving EU standards is precondition for free waste shipment New Member States with no transition periods for waste shipments: Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic und Cyprus New Member States granted transition periods for waste shipments : Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia und Hungary transition periods vary considerably Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Transition Periods for New Member States
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Poland as example highly restrictive treatment of waste shipments Transition periods for waste shipments to Poland: notification for all wastes for recovery until authorities‘ objections against waste for recovery from the green and yellow lists are possible until (may be extended) authorities‘ objections against waste for recovery from the red list are possible until facilities granted transition periods may receive imported waste only after they have fulfilled EU standards Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Transition Periods for New Member States
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Three major points of the discussion in the Environmental Council: objection reasons to avoid waste „dumping“ treatment requirements for mixtures of waste from the Green List obligation to take back waste also for the Green List Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Outlook: Amendment of the EC Regulation on Waste Shipment
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Execution of the EC Regulation on Waste Shipment has to take into account the European Court‘s decisions on incineration European Court‘s decisions raised more questions than they answered Situation in Poland: restricted incineration capacities One incinerator for household waste with a capacity of t while 13 millions tonnes of municipal waste produced Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Excursus: effects of the European Court’s decision
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Status of Implementation of EU standards in Poland Landfill Directive affects new landfills since April 2003 transition periods only refer to existing landfills until 2012 („old“ EU Member States until July 2009) Incineration Directive no transition periods for incineration, Directive in force since January 2003 new plants are subject to the same standards as in the „old“ EU
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Packaging recycling type of packaging rate of recovery, 2002 in % requiredachieved plastics aluminium steel cans paper/cardboard glass wood and textiles composite packaging Sourcee: Polish Ministry of Environment Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Status of Implementation of EU standards in Poland
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Liberal waste management market Households can freely choose a waste management company City councils set up regulatory frameworks Efficiently organised market benefits households Better service, higher quality and low / steady prices a unique model within the EU Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Special market conditions in Poland
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Maintain the liberal market Fast extending of separate recyclables collection Capital investment into construction of recycling facilities Promote ecological awareness of citizens Co-operation of politics and industry Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe Requirements for a modern waste management industry
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Setting EC wide recovery standards Amendment of the EC Regulation on Waste Shipment Clear differentiation between „disposal“ and „recovery“ in the Waste Framework Directive Waste Shipment in Eastern Europe A task for the European Community
RETHMANN ENTSORGUNGS AG & CO. KG Thank you for your attention! FEAD Congress in Stockholm