Tobacco Chapter 8 ???? ____ % of new smokers are adolescents/teenagers ???? Smokers have about a _____% greater risk of dying from coronary heart disease when compared with lifetime nonsmokers
2 Use of Tobacco Why People use Tobacco Nicotine Powerful psychoactive drug Reaches Brain via bloodstream in seconds Most physically addictive of the psychoactive drugs.
3 Why do people use tobacco? Hint: It’s not because they think that it is good for their health…
4 Annual Deaths Attributable to Smoking Related Diseases Text p. 171
5 Nicotine Addiction Three out of four smokers want to quit 60%-80% kick the habit at a stop-smoking clinic. However, ____start smoking within a year. Relapse rate similar to alcoholics and heroin addicts.
6 Tolerance and Withdrawal Using tobacco develops tolerance addiction may occur within a couple of days. Abstinence from nicotine: predictable withdrawal symptoms Occurs within hours of last dose of nicotine Most symptoms pass in 2-3 days.
7 Social and Psychological Factors Established habits or cues to trigger smoking Secondary reinforcers.
8 Why Start in the First Place? Decreases in usage in the 1980’s but a steady increase in the 1990’s. Largest increase was 13- and 14-years old. Children and teenagers make-up 90% of all new smokers in this country.
9 Advertising Tobacco spends nearly $6 billion per year. 86% of teens prefer the top three most advertised brands. Joe Camel is more familiar than Mickey Mouse.
10 Reverse Advertising…. Check this out!
11 Who Uses Tobacco? Characteristics which could increase the potential for use. A parent or sibling uses tobacco Peers use tobacco Child comes from blue-collar family Child comes from low-income home Single parent. Performs poorly in school Child drops out of school Has positive attitudes towards tobacco
13 Immediate Effects of Nicotine Acts on the brain like cocaine and heroin At low doses acts like a stimulant Triggers release of chemical messengers in the brain epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine Can help smoker regulate moods Physiological effects
14 P. 170 Text
15 Health Hazards of Tobacco Smoke Contains 50,000 times as many damaging chemicals than an equal volume of polluted urban air Carcinogen Damages the lining of the respiratory tract Carbon monoxide times stronger than what is considered safe in the work place.
16 The Long-Term Effects Cardiovascular Disease Lung Cancer and other cancers Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Emphysema Other Respiratory Damage
17 Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Combination of Mainstream and Sidestream Smoke Designated as a Class ‘A’ Carcinogen Mainstream- Smoke inhaled by the smoker and exhaled into the atmosphere Sidesteam- Smoke that comes from the end of the burning cigarette. Both are designated as a Class ‘A’ Carcinogen U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ► Primary caregiver smokes 10 cigarettes per day: Measurable amounts of nicotine and carcinogens in child’s blood ► More likely to die from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
18 Environmental Tobacco Smoke contains : Twice the tar and nicotine Almost 3X’s the carbon monoxide (replaces oxygen in the blood) 3 x’s the ammonia When ammonia enters the body as a result of breathing, swallowing or skin contact, it reacts with water to produce ammonium hydroxide, a corrosive chemical that damages body cells Causes an estimated 3,000 deaths per year in the U.S.
19 Smoking In –Utero Increases Risk of: Miscarriage Low- Birth Weight Delays in physical development and intellectual growth Children inhale three times more pollutants per unit of body weight than adults
20 Cigars- The “Safe” Alternative??! A typical cigar contains 13.3 mg of nicotine (A cigarette contains 1.1 mg) A typical cigar contains 44 mg of tar (A cigarette contains 16mg) A once-a-day smoker who never inhales is 7 times more likely to develop oral cancer than a nonsmoker National Cancer Institute 1999
21 Other Forms of Tobacco Spit (Smokeless) Tobacco Cigar and Pipes Clove cigarettes and Bidis There is no safe tobacco.
22 Clove Cigarettes
23 Cost of Tobacco Use to Society Health care costs exceed $70 billion per year. Lost productivity from sickness, disability, and premature death makes it closer to $125 Billion per year.
24 Benefits of Quitting It is never too late to quit. Nicotine Replacement Non-Nicotine Medications Acupuncture Counseling Support Group The “Best” strategy is the one(s) that works.