C-myc Presented by Tavia Clark
c-Myc: The Quintessential Oncogene Transcription factor involved in: –Cell growth –Cell proliferation –Repression of gene transcription –Apoptosis –Angiogenesis
TABLE 1 Growth inhibition and apoptosis following treatment with antisense oligonucleotides to c-myc Growth inhibitionApoptosis Cell or Tumorin vivoin vitroin vivoin vitroReference Human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (CEM-C7) Burkitt's lymphoma lines 30 Ramos (EBV−) + + Daudi (EBV+) + − Small cell lung cancer lines GLC4, GLC4-cDDP a, GLC4-Adr + −46 Human erythroblasts + −47 Human CML blasts b ++??48 Melanoma lines c , 50 Thyroid cancer lines + ?51 Orbital fibroblasts + −52 Monomyeloid cells (HL-60) Burkitt's lymphoma (Daudi, ST486) + ?53 Ovarian cancer lines + +e+e 54 d Lymphoma U e Breast Cancer MCF Ewing's sarcoma CHP Burkitt's lymphoma ST Breast cancer (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) + ?56 Human T lymphocytes +IL-2 or PHA + −57 Burkitt lymphomas (ST486, JD38) + ?58 Hematopoietic cells + ?59 Esophageal cancer cells *Symbols: +, effect tested for and seen; −, effect tested for and not seen; ?, not tested (or not reported)
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