Origins, Kent State Canton (CKSU) began in 1912 Growth began in 1946 Located at the Old McKinley High School Shared the space with McKinley High Lasted four years Closed due to lack of state funding Kent State University Stark Campus
Kent State University Stark Campus Rebirth, Kent State provided series of evening classes for students 1953 growing demand for Elementary School teachers 1956 Cadet Program drawing many types of people…three year version of program 1957 added Arts & Science and Business 1959 outgrown McKinley High and moved to Timken Vocational High School Building
Kent State University Stark Campus The Search, overcrowding a problem 1961 moved into Lehman High School 1966 shortage in space again expanded into American Legion Post #44 Creation of “branch” campus January 7, 1967 ground breaking for new facility. Fall 1967 new facility opened (Main Hall)
Kent State University Stark Campus Campus Expansion, Spring of 1969 student led “protest” to State for expansion of campus Construction of two new buildings. (HPE building and Fine & Professional Arts building) 1976 Library/Learning Resource Center built. Braved the aftermath of May 4 shootings
Kent State University Stark Campus A New Focus, Transition in leadership. Focus switched from quantitative to qualitative improvements. Development of Office of Student Services (one stop shopping) Development of Continuing Studies for community development Addition of four year baccalaureate programs. Addition of East Wing Computer Lab
Kent State University Stark Campus Present and Future, Currently one of Ohio’s largest regional campuses. Continued growth in baccalaureate programs to a total of nine 2004 completion of the Campus Center building and the Fine and Professional Arts addition project all classrooms retrofitted with projectors and computers.