Life Cycle Costing and Reliability H. Scott Matthews February 5, 2003
Homework 1 Comments Average 23.5/25 No major issues other than using wrong data (not sure where you got it) Key things: “Condition” is a vague word unless defined “Conditions” getting better, may hit goal Probably makes more sense to move towards reliability rather than condition- based assessment methods (more on that today)
Recap of Last Lecture Defined and discussed performance Humplick paper reminded us of multiple levels and perspectives We hadn’t discussed users much before Talked about why infrastructure matters And why performance measurement is difficult Overview of performance methods
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) Mentioned earlier in course Is a tool to assist decision makers in managing ‘total costs’ of projects Includes design, construction, 4R’s (repair, rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction), user costs, disposal Converted into ‘present value’ costs Generally an “economic-only” (costs only) framework Others (around CMU and elsewhere) have added consideration of energy/environmental
More Background ISTEA (1991) suggested LCC for pavement, bridge, tunnel projects FHWA in 1996 linked funds availability to use of LCC in major projects Why might you not want to use LCC? How does this differ from Benefit-Cost Analysis?
Initial Costs Usually site preparation and construction Should consider ‘user costs’ (traffic, etc) Where to get data - current/completed projects similar in design/scope
4R’s and Salvage Costs Are dependent on technology and materials choices E.g. depth of pavement affects useful life Should not exclude costs that seem ‘too small’ - you don’t know ‘how small’ until total costs estimated! Salvage - potential value of materials at end-of-life (e.g. scrap steel, asphalt, etc)
User (Delay) Costs Consideration of opportunity cost of time for drivers when inconvenienced due to infrastructure downtime E.g. congestion, re-routing around road Should also consider vehicle operating delay cost (fuel, etc). A cost/vehicle estimate used $12-$25 for cars/big trucks gets used
Examples (No User Costs) Project B: Construction $350k Prevent. Yr 8 $40k Major Yr 15 $300k Prevent. Yr 20 $40k Prevent. Yr 25 $60k 30 $105k NPV $610k Project A: Construction $500k Prevent. Yr 15 $40k Major Yr 20 $300k 30 $150k NPV $705k
What’s Missing? Note LCC for infrastructure generally does not consider any ‘pure benefits’ of using it Its presumed that all alternatives would yield similar/equal value This is usually the case, but could be affected by design or budget constraints (e.g. a 2 vs 4-lane road or bridge)
An Energy Example Could consider life cycle costs of people using electricity in Texas Assume coal-fired power plants used Coal comes from Wyoming Option 1 (current): coal mined, sent by train to Texas, burned there Option 2: coal mined, burned in Wyoming into electricity, sent via transmission line to Texas Which might be cheaper in cost? What are components of cost that may be relevant? Are there other ‘user costs’?
Reliability-Based Management From Frangopol (2001) paper “Funds are scarce, need a better way” Have been focused on “condition-based” Unclear which method might be cheaper Bridge failure led to condition assessment/NBI methods Which emphasized need for 4R’s Eventually money got more scarce Bridge Management Systems (BMS) born PONTIS, BRIDGIT, etc. Use deterioration and performance as inputs into economic efficiency measures
BMS Features Elements characterized by discrete condition states noting deterioration Markov model predicts probability of state transitions (e.g. good-bad-poor) Deterioration is a single step function Transition probabilities not time variant
Reliability Assessment Decisions are made with uncertainty Should be part of the decision model Uses consideration of states, distribution functions, Monte Carlo simulation to track life- cycle safety and reliability for infrastructure projects Reliability index use to measure safety Excellent: State 5, >= 9, etc. No guarantee that new bridge in State 5! In absence of maintenance, just a linear, decreasing function (see Fig 1)
Reliability (cont.) Not only is maintenance effect added, but random/state/transitional variables are all given probability distribution functions, e.g. Initial performance, time to damage, deterioration rate w/o maintenance, time of first rehab, improvement due to maint, subsequent times, etc.. Used Monte Carlo simulation, existing bridge data to estimate effects Reliability-based method could have significant effect on LCC (savings) Why?