Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM)/ Installation Management Command (IMCOM) Transformation Mr. Charlie George Headquarters, Department of the Army OACSIM, Installation Services Directorate Environmental Division December 2007
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Army Universe for Installation Management Interoperability – OACSIM/IMCOM Transformation Facts OACSIM/IMCOM Restructure (Before and After Transformation) Environmental Division (ISE) Organization, Mission and Functions Environmental Division (ISE) Roles and Responsibilities Questions Agenda
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December 2007 ARMY UNIVERSE – FY07 FY06 Installation Management Resources = $15B per year Army End-Strength Active - 502,790 USAR - 189,980 ARNG - 346,290 Civilians- 206,390 Army Demographics 54% married 9.1% dual military 6.9% single parents 712,815 family members Utilities Electric, gas, water and sewer 47,803 miles Family Housing Units Owned - 37,879 Leased - 12,874 Privatized - 72,825 Army Installations IMCOM 74 Reserves 4 National Guard 45 AMC 26 Other 5 Land Acreage United States –13,806,840 Europe – 161,782 Asia – 28,676 Other Overseas – 15,235 Buildings (million square feet) United States Europe Asia – 46 Other - 7 Environmental Clean-up Remaining (Installation Restoration Program & Military Munitions Response Program) Active Sites – 1,540 BRAC Sites Formerly Used Defense Sites – 2,189 Roads 56,487 miles Railroads 2,643 miles Airfields 141 Fixed Wing 739 Heliports PRV $251B Paved Area 440 Million SY Barracks Requirements 136,000 Soldiers as of 30 Sep 06
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Interoperability and cross functional understanding ACSIM IMCOM.
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Develop and formulate plans, strategies and standards to achieve “First Choice” MWR programs in support of the theme “MWR For All Of Your Life”; support commanders in the implementation of MWR programs; act as a single source for operation and management of selected MWR activities; and perform HQ ECECS functions The Army Installation Management Team Missions … Army Installations... the Hometowns of Army Combat Power Provide policy guidance, senior leader oversight, and program management on all mission areas relating to overall leadership, management, and resourcing of Army installations worldwide. Ensure the availability of effective and efficient base services and facilities. Provide environmental program management and technical support products and services in support of Army training, acquisition and sound environmental stewardship. Provide equitable, effective and efficient management of Army Installations worldwide to support mission readiness and execution, enable well- being of Soldiers, civilians and family members, improve the Army’s aging infrastructure and preserve our environment. Develop and formulate plans, strategies and standards to achieve “First Choice” MWR programs in support of the theme “MWR For All Of Your Life”; support commanders in the implementation of MWR programs; act as a single source for operation and management of selected MWR activities Provide environmental program management and technical support products and services in support of Army training, acquisition and sound environmental stewardship. Provide equitable, effective and efficient management of Army Installations worldwide to support mission readiness and execution, enable well- being of Soldiers, civilians and family members, improve the Army’s aging infrastructure and preserve our environment.
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Transformation Facts IMCOM was activated 24 Oct 2006 (from IMA) LTG Wilson is dual-hatted and serves as the ACSIM & CG, IMCOM BRAC 2005 Impacts to IMCOM: Closes Fort McPherson, GA and moves SERO to Fort Eustis, VA Closes Fort Monroe, VA and moves NERO to Fort Eustis, VA Relocates IMCOM, FMWRC, and USAEC to Ft Sam Houston, TX Relocates NWRO to Ft Sam Houston, TX & consolidates it with SWRO to form IMCOM West Region Consolidates NERO and SERO to create IMCOM East Region US Army Environmental Center transitions from FOA under OACSIM to the US Army Environmental Command under IMCOM (GO# 38, 1 Oct 2006)
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Judge Advocate General G1 Chief of Staff Vice Chief of Staff The Surgeon General ACS Installation Management G3 ASA Civil Works ASA Acquisition Logistics & Technology ASA Installations & Environment Director, Army Staff ASA Manpower & Reserve Affairs ASA Financial Management G4 Chief, Army National Guard Chief, Army Reserve Chief of Engineers G2 Office of General Counsel Under Secretary of the Army Secretary of the Army DASA (ESOH) Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Army Safety Center Director Army Safety AEC MEDCOM MAJOR COMMANDS Centers of Excellence ODEP IMA IMA Regions & Installations Special Installations AEPI REOs/RECs ESO DAMO-TRS Env Div ELD Army Environmental Organizational Structure (Before Transformation)
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December 2007 Secretary of the Army Chief of Staff of the Army ASA (I&E) DASA (ESOH) AEPI OACSIM IMCOM Regions USAEC Environmental Division REOs Garrsions MEDCOMUSACEACOMs/DRUs NGB USACHPPM Army Environmental Organizational Structure (After Transformation) IMCOM ARE Army Staff Env. Staff 1.REOs from USAEC to DASA (ESOH) 2.ODEP to Environmental Division under the Directorate of Installation Services 3.USAEC transition from OACSIM FOA to IMCOM sub-command
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Industrial & RD Focused Branch Resource Management Training Support Division Cleanup Div Foundations TeamProgram& Budget Policy & Plans Facilities & Infrastructure Sustainability Div PEG Integration Base Support MILCON Joint & FC Focused Branch Management Support Budget Operational Army Focused Branch Strategic Planning Assets Management Program Analysis Competitive Sourcing SIG Spec Asst for Transformation OACSIM (Before Transformation) Support &Services Branch Acquisition
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Army Environmental Division (ISE) Director COL John Keenan Deputy Mr. Krishna Ganta COL Michael Bennett Chief, Sustainability Branch Vic Diersing (W) (H) (C) Mr. Vic Diersing Chief, Conservation Branch Mr. Tim Julius Chief, Integration Branch Ms. Kristine Kingery Chief, Cleanup Branch Authorized Military – 3 Civ – 25 Cont – 3
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Army Environment Division (ISE) Vision and Mission Vision Foster environmental stewardship and Installation sustainability through integration of environmental values into the Army mission and installations. Mission The Army Staff proponent for environment and the principal advisor to the ACSIM and ASA-I&E on environmental programs. Develops strategic policies and establishes priorities, resources, strategy and program guidance related to the management and resourcing of all Army environmental programs. Ensure that environmental program priorities and activities enable the Army mission and supported tenants.
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Army Environment Functions (ISE) Establish Priorities Develop, Frame and Issue Policy Guidance Develop Program Objective Memorandum (POM) and Budget Integrate Programs Represent and Defend Service Position Establish Management Controls Centrally Manage Select Programs Provide Information and Report
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 HQDA, Command and Installation Environmental Roles and Responsibilities Environmental Roles and Responsibilities Program & Technical Advice As Requested DASA(ESOH) ASA(I&E) Environmental Program Policy and Oversight -Environmental Program Proponent, Program Guidance and Priorities, Program Resources and Oversight for HQDA Funded Programs Labs & Facilities AMC ARNG USARINST States RRC MSCs SMDC INST MEDCOM CHPPM IMCOM AEC INSTALLATIONS NGB OCAR TSG ACSIM COE USACE Districts Environmental Program Implementation & Execution Environmental Projects Execution
Mr. Charlie George/DAIM-ISE/ (703) December of 15 Questions