GRANTWRITING Professional Writing University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2012 William Holmes 1
GRANT ELEMENTS Problem statement Relevance statement Program description Implementation plan Funding plan Supporting documentation 2
SOURCES OF GRANTS Federal State Municipal/county Foundations Other Non-profits Businesses 3
GETTING GRANTS: OVERVIEW, PART 1 Knowing what you need Knowing what you want Identifying sources of help Cultivating sources of help 4
GETTING GRANTS: OVERVIEW, PART 2 Maintaining sources of help Developing sources further Developing fundraising strategies Developing fundraising plans 5
GETTING GRANTS: OVERVIEW, PART 3 Writing proposals Planning and hosting events and visits Using contacts and information Maintaining contacts 6
MONEY AND STRATEGY: GRANTS, CONTRACTS, GIFTS, FEES Grants provide resources for a purpose with strings Contracts provide resources for a service or activity for a group Gifts provide resources with few strings Fees provide resources for a service or activity on an individual basis 7
STRATEGIC PLANNING AND GRANTSMANSHIP Supporting Strategic Goals Funding Strategic Activities Coordinating Strategic Activities Prioritizing Grant Activities Coordinating Grant Activities Developing Grant Activities 8
STRATEGIC GRANTSMANSHIP Prioritize Strategic Goals Use Organizational Strengths Bolster Organizational Weaknesses Identify Opportunities Plan for Threats 9