Constituency & Clarity Visual Communication & Organizational Learning: Drafting a plan at MassArt
To effect change: A) Be Clear B) Get Help
Let me be clear… Help! –Presentation: short history, long Q&A My job switched from ME finding the answer, – to learning how WE draft a plan
Peter’s question “If you have good ideas how do you get others to adopt and/or adapt them?.. lead you into evaluating how good the the ideas are so you can demonstrate this to others” How do organizations manage challenges, evolve and communicate clearly? Pick a case study: MCA advising Part I: Organizational Learning
Action Research Cycles Evaluation & Inquiry: * –Intern with Advising, Migration Committee, Design class project
Constituency Building Cycle & Proposing Planning Action Department Chairs, Faculty, Staff: Map reqs for Migration, share student project Students, Faculty, Staff: Design Students class project (tomorrow), staff & faculty attending Senior Staff, Vice Presidents Migration meeting with VPs (Thursday) Faculty, admin staff on Migration Design Faculty report back to students
Implementation of Action IT & Advising attending Design Class Design Faculty,Staff on Migration Board Migration to All College Committee –This week : Tuesday student meeting Thursday : All College
Part II: Visual Information Practicum: Tufte & Senge Job shift from Student Service to IT Role shift from explain to analyze 1. We understand the Problem 2. We have revised our clear data 3. Now we share it
The Difference it makes