Globalization of Media How do mass media affect global audiences?
Ideology zSystem of meanings, values & beliefs zGoverns the way we see the world & ourselves z Controls what we see as natural or obvious
U.S. Ideology n Consumerism n Private ownership n Individual achievement
Cultural Imperialism zConcerned with domination of one culture by another zOne-way flow of entertainment programming zThreatens cultural identities of other nations, especially in 3rd world
zU.S. films = 64% of European market zLocals can’t compete financially zTherefore U.S. products dominate
Critics argue that: zEntertainment programs transmit culture zCrucial role in transmitting and developing cultural identities (socialization) zCultural diversity should be preserved
Defenders of globalism: zAudiences aren’t passive zThere’s a “discount” factor w/foreign programming zAudiences “filter” what comes in zPlurality of interpretation (selective perception)