Intel Berkeley Extreme Interconnected Systems Lablet Shattuck and Center, 13 th floor, between BWRC and ICSI, great view! David Culler UCB EECS & Academic Director
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab2 New model for ind/acad collaboration Key challenges ahead in EECS are fundamentally problems of scale –require level of investigation and of engineering that is beyond what is sustainable within the university and beyond what a company can commit outside product scope –industry possesses key technology and expertise –requires insights from many perspectives A new lab stucture built around deep research collaboration and intimate ties to the EECS department –industry contributes substantial effort of high quality –projects span boundaries –faculty co-direct lab –student / faculty cycles drive the continuous motion Operate in uniquely open fashion
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab3 Intel Research Network of Lablets Concept Network of small labs working closely with top computer science departments around the world on deeply collaborative projects. –currently Berkeley, Washington, CMU Complement the corporate labs –explore off the roadmap, long range, high risk Complement the external research council –drive projects of significant scale and impact Expand the channel –bidirectional transfer of people, ideas, technology
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab4 Mission for the Network of Labs Bold new form of Industry-University collaboration that reflects the changing nature of the information age. Conduct the highest quality research in emerging, important areas of CS and IT. Join the unique strengths of Universities and the company in concurrent, collaborative efforts that are both broad in scope and deeply penetrating in exploration. Operate in a uniquely open fashion, promoting a powerful, bidirectional exchange of groundbreaking ideas, technology, and people. Leadership role in the creation of new research ecosystems spanning the continuum from academic study to product development. Labs will be project-focused with an active, constantly evolving agenda involving Intel researchers, University researchers, and members of the larger research community
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab5 Scale and structure Active day-to-day involvement 15 full-time Intel Researchers and Engineers ~5 part-time Intel folks 20 faculty, students, visitors, research consultants Two-in-a-box co-directors University Direction + Intel Director Report to David Tennenhouse, VP Research Project focused ~6-year projects starting about every two years
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab6 Berkeley Focus Extreme Interconnected Systems Invent, develop, explore, analyze, and understand highly interconnected systems at the extremes of the computing and networking spectrum - the very large, the very small, and the very numerous Do leading-edge Computer Science on problems of scale, cutting across traditional areas of architecture, operating systems, networks, and languages to enable a wide range of explorations in ubiquitous computing, both embedded in the environment or carried easily on moving objects and people
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab7 Areas of Emphasis “ endonets” –dense, fine-grain networked systems deeply embedded in or interacting with physical environment –sensor networks –ubiquitous computing architectures –computational fabrics, surfaces, structures “exonets” –broad coverage networked systems at societal scale –world-wide storage systems –composable infrastructure services –massive servers for millions of users
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab8 Initial Projects Open experimental platform for Networked Embedded Systems Technology (NEST) –collaborative with UCB DARPA project –supporting 10 other DARPA projects Goal: –new approach to networked embedded SW –enable research in algorithms, real-time systems,... –explore platform system architecture in new space Components –Low-cost flexible wireless sensor device for large-scale experimentation –Extensible Event-driven Tiny OS –Tiny Networking & Security –FSM-based Development Environment –Scalable, Adversarial Simulation –Infrastructure services Building blocks for ubiquitous computing –Pocket-change computing dot
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab9 Current Research Team Kevin Fall: UCSD, ISI, UCB, NetBoost, Intel –high speed ip networking Alan Mainwaring: TMC, UCB, Sun, Intel –virtual networks, deep scalable network systems Anind Dey: Georgia Tech, aware house –framework for context aware applns David Gay: UCB –Prog. Lang. design/Imp for novel comm. layers Deborah Estrin, Faculty consultant –internet, multicast, rsvp,...sensor nets Paul Wright, Faculty consultant –infopad, BWRC, cybercut Justin Tomilson –optimization, IEOR PhD Student
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab10 Current Faculty Research Associates James Demmel Large-scale computational science Michael Franklin Sensor Databases Steven Glaserstructural dynamics Joe HellersteinStreaming Databases John Kubiatowiczplanetary storage James LandayUser Interfaces Jennifer MankoffHCI David Patterson Architecture Kris Pister MEMS, Smart Dust Jan Rabaey Low power systems Satish Rao Distr. Systems Theory Ion Stoika Networking Vivek Subramanian Disposable devices David Wagner Security Kathy YelickParallel Languages
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab11 Summer Interns 2001 UCB Tiny OS team –Jason Hill, Rob Scewczyk, Alec Woo UCLA directed diffusion –Depak Ganesan, Solomon Bein UCB sensor database –Sam Madden (with Michael Franklin) UCB IP/Infiniband SAN –Philip Buonadonna UCB ocean store –Hakim Weatherspoon (with John Kubiatowicz) visiting grad from Cornel + other UCB grads
9/20/2001Berkeley XIS Lab12 Where this is going? Deep involvement in CITRIS –societal sensor network infrastructure New networking foundations at each of the levels –Design principles –HW structures, OS support –Media access, transmission control, Routing, Security –Theory –Applications New set of concerns –dynamic self-organization, adaptation –harsh resource constraints –collective behavior Unique opportunity in the union –microscopic devices (really)