Subtraction Game By Ms. Frevert
Directions You and your partner will work together to answer the different questions related to subtraction. Once you have figured out the answer, you may check it on the next page. DO NOT GO TO THE NEXT PAGE UNTIL YOU HAVE WRITTEN YOUR ANSWER ON THE PAPER AND USED DRAWING PAPER!!
Question #1 If 8 – 3 = 5, then 8 - a = 3. If 12 – 7 = 5, then = b. If = 15, then 15 – 12 = c. If = 11, then d – 7 = 4.
ANSWERS a = 5 b = 12 c = 3 d = 11 HOW’D YOU DO???
QUESTION #2 Complete these problems. Do this mentally. 800 – 500 = a 1,300 – 600 = b 90 – 60 = c 9,000 – 6,000 = d 15,000 – 8,000 = e 210 – 30 = f
ANSWERS a. = 300 b. = 700 c. = 30 d. = 3,000 e. = 7,000 f. = 180 STILL DOING OKAY?
QUESTION #3 Use the drawing paper to show the following subtraction problems with place value models. 34 – 25 = 98 – 34=
ANSWERS 34 – 25= 9 98 – 34 = 64
Question #4 Answer these set of questions using the drawing paper on the computer or regular paper 900 – 205 = a 1,234 – 375 = b 3,805 – 2,432 = c 240 – 72 = d 3,064 – 242 = e
ANSWERS a = 695 b = 859 c = 1,373 d= 168 e = 2,822
How’d you do? Click on the links below to play some subtraction games online. Enjoy! Game 1 Game 2 Game 3