The Non-Local Scheme in CAM3 Michael A. Brunke
introduction surface layer outer layer free atmosphere h 0.1h 0 z PBL
introduction surface layer outer layer free atmosphere h 0.1h 0 z PBL
introduction surface layer outer layer free atmosphere h 0.1h 0 z PBL
input and output input parameters potential temperature temperature specific humidity height above surface pressure wind speed surface wind stress surface SH flux surface constituent flux output parameters kinematic sfc. const. flux eddy diffusivities countergradient terms convective temp. excess convective hum. excess surface friction velocity Obukhov length PBL height
free atmosphere K c Ri < 0Ri > 0 (Holtslag and Boville 1993)
free atmosphere K c Ri < 0Ri > 0 25 CF
determination of h h = z where Ri = Ri cr = 0.3 (Vogelezang and Holtslag 1996)
sensitivity of h formulation Zeng et al., 2004: Marine atmospheric boundary layer height over the Eastern Pacific: data analysis and model evaluation. J. Climate, 17,
determination of h h = z where Ri = Ri cr = C3C3 F0F0
determination of K c
turbulent velocity scales z / L < 0 0 z / L 1 z / L > 1
turbulent velocity scales z / L < 0 0 z / L 1 z / L > 1
turbulent velocity scales z / L < 0 0 z / L 1 z / L > C8C8 F0F0
turbulent velocity scales z / L < 0 0 z / L 1 z / L > C8C8 F6F6
countergradient term
817 C1C1 F0F0
scheme sensitivity Tested sensitivity to choices for: Ri cr b a
+25% +10% -10% -25% hKmKm KhKh hh
+25% +10% -10% -25% hKmKm KhKh hh
hKmKm KhKh hh
+25% +10% -10% -25% hKmKm KhKh hh
+25% +10% -10% -25% hKmKm KhKh hh
look-up table? Not much value added by a LUT. Simple formulation Module runs very quickly. Pull h’s from a LUT? Model run to get LUT values could be run at L31.
summary CAM3 uses standard non-local turbulence scheme in PBL. 17 tunable constants and 8 arbitrary functions. Scheme not sensitive to Ri cr and ; are sensitive to b and a Convective temperature excess is needed. LUT probably not necessary except maybe to get h.