20-Jun-151 Main Dimensions 1º Transforming a face to face module (level lI) to a web based module: Global Science 2º Implementation of a module designed by another Partner in a consulter basis: Formative Assessment of Learning (Bradford) 3º Conceptualization and development of an action research-project (level III) with Science Teachers from Check Republic and Portugal 4º Dissemination 5º Technical support of the Project (e-System) Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)
20-Jun-152 Transforming a face to face module (level lI) to a web based module: Global Science Period spent - e-Learning materials transformation: 2 months - Implementation on Moodle: 3 weeks - Module implementation and evaluation (from January to March 2009) - One face to face session - Gateway questionnaire - One icebreaking session - 9 on-line sessions with e-portfolio development - Final questionnaire Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)
20-Jun-153 Transforming a face to face module (level lI) to a web based module: Global Science Materials - Session guide with linked documents (portuguese and english) - Tasks to be done (laboratory activities, field work activities, problem solving) Module evaluation (according to the methodology defined for the project) -Initial (gateway) and final questionnaire - e-portfolio - Analysis and monitoring participants interactions in the e-module Accreditation The e-module will be accreditated at a national level. Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)
20-Jun-154 Implementation of a module designed by another Partner in a consulter basis: Formative Assessment of Learning (Bradford) Period spent - Implementation on Moodle: 3 weeks - Module implementation and evaluation (from April to June 2008) - One face to face session - Gateway questionnaire - One icebreaking session - 9 on-line sessions with e-portfolio development - Final questionnaire Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)
20-Jun-155 Implementation of a module designed by another Partner in a consulter basis: Formative Assessment of Learning (Bradford) Materials - Session guide with linked documents - Tasks to be done - Scaffolding resources in portuguese Accreditation the e-module was accreditated at a national level with 2.0 credits Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)
20-Jun-156 Articles published National level * Pombo, L.; Abelha, M.; Caixinha, H. Marques, L; Costa, N. (2007). Formação contínua de professores de Ciências – de uma abordagem presencial para um contexto online. [Continuing trainning of Science teachers – from a presential to an online context]. In Relatos de práticas: a voz dos actores da Educação em Ciência em Portugal [Practical reports: the voice of Science Educational actors in Portugal], J.B. Lopes and J.P. Cravino (Eds), Minerva Transmontana. Proceedings of “XII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências” [XII National Encounter of Science Education], UTAD, Vila Real, 27-29th September, p. International level * Costa, N. (2008). A Formação Continuada de Professors de Ciências em Ambiences a Distância e num Contexto Europeu: do planejamento da formação à sua avaliação.ENDIPE, Brasil National Web site ( Dissemination Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)
20-Jun-157 Dissemination (cont.) Work in progress Article to be submitted internationally * L. Pombo, M.Abelha, H. Caixinha, M. Smith, N. Costa (2009), Evaluating and online Science Teacher’s Module: potentials and constraints Three Master Thesis Institutional Report – University of Aveiro (Portugal)