25 June 2002Chandra Users’ Committee, Belinda Wilkes XMM/Chandra Schedules AO date 15 Dec 2002 Deadline 15 March 2003 Peer Review ~15 June 2002 AO date mid-March 2003 Deadline late April 2003 Review mid-May – late June 2003 No longer a deadline collision Similar concurrent reviews next year Chandra Cycle 5 XMM-Newton AO-3 XMM-Newton AO years long Future 3-6 month spread in schedules
25 June 2002Chandra Users’ Committee, Belinda Wilkes Joint Time HST: 100 orbits reciprocal, est. Cycle 2 NOAO: up to 5% time, one way, est. Cycle 2 XMM: 400 ksecs, reciprocal, est. Cycle 4 NRAO, UC approved, one-way, details to be worked RXTE, 500 ksecs, one- way, approved by RUG Current ProgramsCycle 5 new programs
25 June 2002Chandra Users’ Committee, Belinda Wilkes HST-approved Chandra Time Cycle 2: 288 ksec Merged w/C4 LP
25 June 2002Chandra Users’ Committee, Belinda Wilkes HST-approved Chandra Time Cycle 3: 375 ksec
25 June 2002Chandra Users’ Committee, Belinda Wilkes Cycle 4
25 June 2002Chandra Users’ Committee, Belinda Wilkes Cycle 4: Theory Proposals Jan 2001: CUC voted “no” on Theory 4 Oct ’01: CXC directed by NASA HQ to add theory 4 Oct. ’01 (NB. NRA sent to HQ in early Sept) Oct-Nov: updated NRA, RPS, review software etc. Oct-Nov: Updated POG, including the “What’s New in Cycle 4” section 15 Dec: Cycle 4 material released at CXC 22 Jan ’02: NRA released by NASA HQ NRA release announced in electronic bulletin #10 Future such announcements will include “What’s New” Will investigate wider distribution for any future new initiatives, when appropriate