Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Dr. Nancy Warter-Perez June 22, 2005
Longest Common Subsequence2 Outline Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Problem Definition Scoring Algorithm Printing Algorithm
June 22, 2005Longest Common Subsequence3 Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Problem Reference: Pevzner Can have insertion and deletions but no substitutions (no mismatches) Ex: V: ATCTGAT W:TGCATA LCS:TCTA
June 22, 2005Longest Common Subsequence4 LCS Problem (cont.) Similarity score s i-1,j s i,j = max { s i,j-1 s i-1,j-1 + 1, if vi = wj On board example
June 22, 2005Longest Common Subsequence5 Indels – insertions and deletions (e.g., gaps) alignment of V and W V = rows of similarity matrix (vertical axis) W = columns of similarity matrix (horizontal axis) Space (gap) in W (UP) insertion Space (gap) in V (LEFT) deletion Match (no mismatch in LCS) (DIAG)
June 22, 2005Longest Common Subsequence6 LCS(V,W) Algorithm for i = 0 to n si,0 = 0 for j = 1 to m s0,j = 0 for i = 1 to n for j = 1 to m if vi == wj si,j = si-1,j-1 + 1; bi,j = DIAG else if si-1,j >= si,j-1 si,j = si-1,j; bi,j = UP else si,j = si,j-1; bi,j = LEFT
June 22, 2005Longest Common Subsequence7 Print-LCS(b,V,i,j) if i = 0 or j = 0 return if bi,j = DIAG PRINT-LCS(b, V, i-1, j-1) print vi else if bi,j = UP PRINT-LCS(b, V, i-1, j) else PRINT-LCS(b, V, I, j-1)
June 22, 2005Longest Common Subsequence8 Programming Workshop and Homework – Implement LCS Workshop Write a Python script to implement LCS (V, W). Prompt the user for 2 sequences (V and W) and display b and s Add the Print-LCS(V, i, j) function to your Python script. The script should prompt the user for 2 sequences and print the longest common sequence.