Logic Models for Obesity, Nutrition and Community Health February 2007
COMMUNITY LOCALITY Agriculture/ Gardens/ Local markets Health Care Public Safety Public Transport Manufactured/ Imported Food Sanitation Modified from Ritenbaugh C, Kumanyika S, Morabia A, Jeffery R, Antipathies V. IOTF website 1999: POPULATION % OBESE AND OVER-- WEIGHT WORK/SCHOOL/ HOME School Food & Activity Infections Labour Worksite Food & Activity Leisure Activity/ Facilities Family & Home INDIVIDUAL Energy Expenditure Food intake : Nutrient density Societal policies and processes influencing the population prevalence of obesity NATIONAL/ REGIONAL Education Food & Nutrition Urbanization Health Social security Transport Media & Culture National perspective INTERNATIONAL FACTORS Development Globalization of markets Media programs & advertising
Consumer Demand Household resources Nutrition knowledge Cultural practices Psychosocial characteristics Taste and preferences Advertising and marketing Logic Framework: Nutrition and Community Health Modifiable Determinants Food Supply Factors Agriculture policy Nutrition policy Science and technology Food production, processing, storage and distribution Food fortification Food safety Environmental Factors Food Availability & Price Neighborhoods Schools Worksites Homes Local, state & national food assistance programs POPULATION FOOD INTAKE Food Consumption Patterns (e.g. fruits, vegetables) Intake of Nutrients and Food Components: Vitamins Minerals Fiber Fats Other food constituents Dietary supplements Alcohol Energy balance Life Stage Requirements Pregnancy Lactation Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Older Adulthood Intermediate Outcomes Community Health Outcomes Physiologic Indicators: Growth Adipose tissue Musculoskeletal Gastrointestinal Metabolic Cardiovascular Reproductive Immunological Neurological Genetics, Co-morbidities Morbidity Mortality Measures of Health & Fitness Quality of Life Physical Activity Patterns Interventions
Environmental support for healthy choices Nutrition & health messages Promotion of self-awareness, self-efficacy Multi- component School-based Nutrition Interventions Physiological Indicators: Normal growth & development Fitness Health status School achievement School policy Behaviors: Dietary intake Physical activity Knowledge: N utritional needs Food content Attitudes: S elf-care Body image Abilities: S elf-assessment Behavioral change skills Media literacy Logic Framework
Evaluation: monitor process & outcomes