2 OVERVIEW Brief History Academic Programs at Main Campus, Peshawar Academic programs at Satellite Campuses Current Developments Collaboration between KFUPM & NWFP UET
3 SHORT HISTORY Engineering College, Peshawar University -Founded in May 1952 Faculty of Engineering -Founded in October 1974 N.-W.F.P. University of Engineering & Technology - Founded in October 1980
4 SATELLITE CAMPUSES Mardan Campus Bannu Campus Abottabad Campus
5 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AT MAIN CAMPUS PESHAWAR Agricultural Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Computer Information Systems Engg. IT and Computer Science Basic Sciences, Mathematics and Humanities
6 UNIVERSITY STRENGTH Faculty: 130 Total Students: 2000 Hostel Residents: 70% Foreign Students: 70 Administrative and supporting staff : 800
7 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Successfully completed research projects on: Watershed management Drinking water quality Ground water pollution Sugarcane harvesters
8 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES Soil and Water Engineering Lab Photometers Dr. Soil Kit Pressurized Irrigation Systems Agricultural Engineering Workshop Hydraulic Trainer Lathe, shaper etc. Tractor Model
9 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Research: Environmental Engineering, Leather waste treatment, low cost water filters, Arsenic detection and removal of drinking water, solid waste management. Structural Engineering, Seismic design, use of fly ash, rice husk etc. as partial or full replacement in cement/construction industry University Industry Interaction: Vetting of Structural Design Projects Commercial Testing in Soil Lab, Highway Lab, Structural Lab, Public Health Lab Civil Engineering Information System
10 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LABORATORY FACILITIES Structures Lab: Straining Frame which is a unique facility in Pakistan for testing various structures Soil Mechanics and Transportation Engineering Lab: tests related to Soil and Highway construction Public Heath Engineering laboratory: testing water for supply or treatment and environmental hazards Concrete Lab: testing fresh and hardened concrete Surveying Lab: surveying instruments like Total Stations etc.
11 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Research in Artificial Intelligence Research in Power Consulting Services to WAPDA
12 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES Communications lab Electronics lab Control system lab Machine lab Basic Electrical Engineering lab Computer Lab Digital Electronics lab
13 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Nascent Department Latest Heat & Mass Transfer Lab Latest Fuel Lab Visiting lectures by leading Engineers Regular visits to industries Student internships
14 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Impact Research Lab, High Speed Machining Research in Artificial Intelligence applied to Mechanical Engineering Design University –Industry Interaction Consulting Projects with local industry Mechatronics Engineering to begin from 2005
15 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR LABORATORIES Metallurgy Lab Refrigeration Lab Fuel Lab Heat Transfer Lab CAED Lab
16 MINING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Research Areas: Mine design, Minerals processing, occupational safety and Mine environment Ongoing Projects: Processing of Copper ore and other industrial minerals. Improvement in mining of marble & other dimensional stones. Index & Geo-chemical properties of marble occurring in NWFP. Development of cut-off grade optimization software for a metal mine.
17 INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES Nascent Department First Batch has graduated this year Latest Final Year Project Lab State-of-the-art Computer Labs
18 BS(CS) & BS(IT) PROGRAM MAJOR ACTIVITIES Nascent Department Well furnished computer labs Has created a pool of faculty from the University and Industry
19 POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME M.Sc. Up till now 200 students have passed out Current Enrollment is 210 students Ph.D. 23 students are enrolled
20 SATELLITE CAMPUSES Mardan Campus (February 2002) Telecommunication Engineering Computer Software Engineering BSCS & BSIT Bannu Campus (May 2002) Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering BSCS & BSIT Abottabad Campus (October 2002) Architecture & Town-planning Electronics Engineering
21 NEW FUNDING/ PROGRAMS APPROVED Earthquake center Up gradation of Labs and facilities Institute of Mechatronics Rapid Prototyping Center Funding for newly established campuses Endowment fund for IT and Telecom Funding for renovation of main campus
22 CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS Switch over to Semester System Implementation of Tenure Track System for productive faculty members
23 COLLABORATION BETWEEN KFUPM & NWFP UET Training of students for M.Sc. & Ph.D. Short term faculty exchange program Research collaboration Short term cultural exchange program