Presentation to the ITCC by Wendy Woodward Director Technology Support Services
Planning Scope definition –Work definition and time estimates –Current undergraduates –Graduate students Working with the Office for Research to address policy concerns Process documentation and analysis –Duplicate current processes, where possible –Develop new processes, where needed Communication development
Phase 1 Implementation Details Web-based “opt in” process Old NU mailbox deleted after 14 days SSL sessions by default University listservs will work for alias based addresses (e.g. –Closed listservs require established “nickname”
More Implementation Details Initial account name is permanent key to link student/alumni to the system LDAP directory will maintain “NU Student ” address and feed to SES FERPA-protected students remain invisible in directory
Even More Implementation Details Pilot with ASG and other selected students Targeted launch date of June 4 Graduating students will be given options –Keep account –Purge data and keep account –Purge entire account
Google as a Partner Very responsive –Working to develop a student emergency notification system Security response and support pathways documented and confirmed Regular development and future direction meetings
After Launch of Phase 1 Refine Alumni support processes Begin Phase 2 implementation account activation with NetID activation process for included students –Targeting fall quarter deployment –Resolve any pending graduate student issues Continue discussions with other interested schools as to appropriate next steps