CWLA:Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare Minnesota’s Response May 24, 2005 Maxie Rockymore.


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Presentation transcript:

CWLA:Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare Minnesota’s Response May 24, 2005 Maxie Rockymore

History: State supervised - County administered Demographics/statistics: In 2000 the African American community says there is something amiss! As a percentage of the general population, African American children are five times more likely to be in out- of- home care. African American families are more likely to be reported for neglect (80% for African Americans vs. 64 % Caucasian ) (DHS Data 2000) The 2001 State Legislature steps in and gives the Minnesota Department of Human Services a mandate, to study the problem (why African American children are disproportionately represented in out of home placements), and produce a report with recommendations. The African American Disparities Advisory Committee was convened in 2001: Dr. Bill Allen and Erin Sullivan Sutton, co-chairs,

Partnership: –Community: African American leaders, folks, clients, COMACC –Legislators –State: Minnesota Department of Human Services, Ombudsman for African American Families, State Council on Black Minnesotans –Counties: Anoka, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey (89% of the African American children reported and accepted for assessment in 2000 were from these four counties) –Advocacy groups: MN Children’s Defense Fund –Academia: University of Minnesota, Augsburg College

Recommendations: Improving county Practices Monitoring and evaluating county practices to eliminate disparities Emphasizing culturally competent training and innovative service strategies Working on partnerships with the African American community and Advocating for supports needed by African American families to ensure children are growing up in safe and nurturing homes, and families are thriving.

Three Studies: –Study of Outcomes for African American Children in Minnesota’s Child Protection System ENG (April 2002) (examines key decision making points) ENG –African American Case Review Study (Report will be released in May) (examines case practice by recorded case documentation) Dr. Susan Wells, University of Minnesota –Dr. Meyers study on Neglect ( in progress) –Administrative Data review by St. Olaf University College students

Commitment: Vision: A shared vision! Value of your agency: Reducing Disparity Organizational will

Capacity: Staff (line and managerial) Resources Time Data System (SACWIS) Stakeholders (community, courts, judges, law enforcement

Courage: Face disparities System inadequacies Communications -thornbirds/adversaries Committee (Community co-chair—State Administration co-chair) Ready for system change

Character: Integrity of agency Inclusivity: families, communities— diversity in your community/state Culture of your organization: –How do you work together? –How do you communicate? –Who needs to hear the message that you will begin to address disparities?

Creativity: (What does change and better outcomes for African American families look like?) Creative solutions: Olmsted County, John Edmonds, MSW, Supervisor Partnership Plan Project Hope

Outcomes and results: Child welfare reform strategies: Family Group Decision Making, Alternative Response, Concurrent Permanency Planning. Hennepin County- Actively working to reduce out of home placements. Hennepin county has 600 licensed foster homes of which 35% are licensed relative homes. The majority of these 600 homes are African American. Anoka County-All staff is required to attend cultural diversity training. Anoka County has begun to actively identify and place with kin. Created a Permanency Unit in focuses on culturally appropriate placements, monitoring and evaluation. Ramsey County- Multi year project to reduce racial disparities in the child protection system and in out –of- home placements.

-In memory of Jacqui Smith- Contact info: or call (651) , (507) (612)