January 20071R. Smith - qmcs 200 QMCS 200 Lecture
January 20072R. Smith - qmcs 200 Today’s Class Hand back homeworksHand back homeworks Looking ahead: classes, examLooking ahead: classes, exam Recap on FormsRecap on Forms “Other” data types and data entry“Other” data types and data entry ReportsReports
January 20073R. Smith - qmcs 200 This Week Today: work through rest of reportsToday: work through rest of reports Tuesday:Tuesday: –Finish up reports –Do import/export Wednesday:Wednesday: –Exam review –Tentative – ethics exercise Thursday:Thursday: –Exam – two hours
January 20074R. Smith - qmcs 200 Exam Material CoveredMaterial Covered –MS Access –Computer hardware, software, and buying a computer –Open book and notes, as before FormatFormat –Similar to Excel exam –Probably NOT all-electronic More study details TuesdayMore study details Tuesday “Review” on Wednesday“Review” on Wednesday
January 20075R. Smith - qmcs 200 Forms Analysis Problem Due TuesdayDue Tuesday What to do: write an ‘analysis’ of a formWhat to do: write an ‘analysis’ of a form –Find a form on the Internet –Figure out what ‘checks’ are performed on fields –Write up a description What to tell me about each fieldWhat to tell me about each field –MS Access data type and size Different types have different kinds of sizesDifferent types have different kinds of sizes –What checking does the web site perform on the field –Can Access perform the same kind of checking? Answer yes or no. If yes, explain the type of checking Access would use. If no, explain why Access can’t do itAnswer yes or no. If yes, explain the type of checking Access would use. If no, explain why Access can’t do it Print out the form and include the URL in your reportPrint out the form and include the URL in your report
January 20076R. Smith - qmcs 200 Examples of Forms Shopping cart checkout at a retail siteShopping cart checkout at a retail site Address label setup at US Postal ServiceAddress label setup at US Postal Service Something in Banner with several fieldsSomething in Banner with several fields For full credit, the form should have several fields of different types.For full credit, the form should have several fields of different types.
January 20077R. Smith - qmcs 200 What to learn about Access? How to create a tableHow to create a table –Picking the fields, picking the data types How to use relationshipsHow to use relationships –Building tables to use them, setting them up Creating formsCreating forms –Normal fields, restricted fields, drop down selections How to build multi-table queriesHow to build multi-table queries –Using relationships to string things together How to do grouped reportsHow to do grouped reports –Reporting on grouped tables or multi-table queries
January 20078R. Smith - qmcs 200 Pick lists and radio buttons Many choices – how do you pick one?Many choices – how do you pick one? –Unchanging, short list = radio buttons –Unchanging longer list = any drop down –Changing list = put the list in a table “Output” options“Output” options –Enters the selected text –Enters the ‘primary key’ Example – Look Ahead databaseExample – Look Ahead database –Combo box for location –Alternative: list box, which isn’t as flexible –Alternatives: Lookup Wizard, radio buttons
January 20079R. Smith - qmcs 200 Reports Report Wizard vs Design ModeReport Wizard vs Design Mode –Similar trade-off to forms Design ModeDesign Mode –Similar to Forms –Same dotted background –Same controls
January R. Smith - qmcs 200 Ch 3 HOE #1 P , hand in the report on 761
January R. Smith - qmcs 200 Queries Essential for reports that use relationshipsEssential for reports that use relationships –You string together related fields –Query makes a temporary table from them –You do the report from the temporary table (“Dynaset”) Queries let youQueries let you –“Filter” on fields, sort on fields –Change order of fields; omit fields When you create a report OR a formWhen you create a report OR a form –You can use either a table or a query –Access takes changes to the query and fixes the table itself
January R. Smith - qmcs 200 Ch 3 HOE #2 P , hand in the report on 772
January R. Smith - qmcs 200 Grouped Reports That’s what the grade reports areThat’s what the grade reports are