Bias Chapter 2: Mugged by “the Dan” Bernard Goldberg
Attacked by Dan Rather Goldberg is verbally assaulted by Dan Rather, Heyward Goldberg was first assaulted Rather over the phone, then by his boss at CBS Andrew Heyward. Rather felt as though Goldberg was challenging his patriotism by calling him a liberal. (p. 28) Heyward believed that Goldberg was publicly defaming CBS…
Goldberg’s Critique of the Liberal Media What Did Goldberg Do? Goldberg criticized the liberal media in an WSJ article. (4) What was Goldberg’s Motivation? No matter what Goldberg says, no what matter evidence he produces, “some will dismiss his book as the product of ‘bad blood,’ of a feud between Dan Rather and [Goldberg]” (p. 4- Tom Brokaw: Characterized Goldberg’s criticism of CBS as a “Feud.” (5)
Goldberg Crossed an Unspoken Line Goldberg “violated the code of omerta, the scared code of silence that both wise guys and news live and die by.” (12) Brokaw suggested it was “inappropriate” for Goldberg to criticize CBS in WSJ. (33) “But I knew I had gotten myself into this mess –not by expressing an opinion that Rather and the others would hate –but by putting my name on the opinion.” (37) Goldberg’s Transgression
Speaking Truth to Power? Goldberg “said out loud what millions of TV news viewers all over America know” …the media is liberal. (12) Example: Flat Tax: Mocked by Liberal Media Voting with your Remote Control In increasing numbers, viewers are turning to cable news stations to find more trustworthy news reporting, that is, to escape a liberal bias.” (p. 13) A Liberal Media
The Left-leaning Networks are “losing viewers by the truckload” “Fewer and fewer Americans trust them anymore.” (2) It is implied that at least one of the reasons people don’t trust networks is because they are biased in favor of liberals. (2, 13) Anchors Will Never Acknowledge Bias The “network stars” --Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings – will never acknowledge that they have a liberal bias. Goldberg is saying something “they either cannot or won’t” say (1) A Liberal Media