Hamlet And the revenge tragedy tradition
What is a revenge tragedy? A Renaissance form, it begins in the Tudor period during the flowering of drama in the generation before Shakespeare arrives in London (1570’s and 80’s) A Renaissance form, it begins in the Tudor period during the flowering of drama in the generation before Shakespeare arrives in London (1570’s and 80’s) Typical revenge tragedies become “tragic” because all choices open to the protagonist are dangerous or sinful – to choose to revenge oneself is always un- Christian. Typical revenge tragedies become “tragic” because all choices open to the protagonist are dangerous or sinful – to choose to revenge oneself is always un- Christian.
Typical revenge tragedy plot Protagonist discovers that a death he had believed to be natural was “murder” but that no legal recourse is open to him Protagonist discovers that a death he had believed to be natural was “murder” but that no legal recourse is open to him No one else knows or believes it was murder No one else knows or believes it was murder The Murderer is himself the figure that is supposed to dispense Justice The Murderer is himself the figure that is supposed to dispense Justice Another loved or important innocent person will suffer when the murder is avenged Another loved or important innocent person will suffer when the murder is avenged Loads of people die. Loads of people die.
Typical Revenge tragedies dilemmas How does one reconcile being a good Christian (forgiving one’s enemies) with being obliged to avenge murdered kin? How does one reconcile being a good Christian (forgiving one’s enemies) with being obliged to avenge murdered kin? What happens when doing a good thing – bringing punishment to a murderer – has unintended bad results (to those loved innocent people)? What happens when doing a good thing – bringing punishment to a murderer – has unintended bad results (to those loved innocent people)? How does one learn how to judge a person’s goodness by his outer appearance? How does one learn how to judge a person’s goodness by his outer appearance?
How does Hamlet move beyond these dilemmas? As the first “modern” literary character, Hamlet is created with a human psychological complexity As the first “modern” literary character, Hamlet is created with a human psychological complexity In Hamlet, audiences first get the idea that motivation is complex b/c characters with exactly the same motivation act differently In Hamlet, audiences first get the idea that motivation is complex b/c characters with exactly the same motivation act differently Hamlet gives us characters who are both good and evil in complex ways Hamlet gives us characters who are both good and evil in complex ways