Steve Luby, MD Daniele Lantagne, PE Greg Allgood, PhD OU WaTER Prize Inaugural Winner:
Luby Resume Trained as an Internal Medicine doctor CDC ( ) –EIS Officer (North Carolina), Malaria Branch Aga Khan University, Karachi ( ) –Professor of Epidemiology CDC ( ) –Collaborative research with Procter & Gamble ICDDR,B (2004-) –$400,000 in 2004 to $5.2 million in 2007 Published 140 peer-reviewed journals
Changing the Dominant Paradigm (% reduction in diarrhea) 1992 Hygiene (handwashing)-33% Sanitation-36% Water Supply-19% Water Treatment-15% % -24% -23% -39%
Seminal Lancet Handwashing Study Showing efficacy of handwashing –53% reduction of diarrhea with plain soap –50% reduction of pneumonia –34% reduction of impetigo –No difference between plain and antibacterial soap “Favourite paper” in Infectious Disease, 2005 Luby, S.P. et al. Effect of handwashing on child health: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 366 (9481): (2005).
Combined Interventions Significant data on diarrheal disease reduction –Very little on combined interventions Combining hypochlorite, PuR, handwashing (percent reduction in diarrheal disease) –55% in hypochlorite neighborhoods –51% in handwashing neighborhoods –64% in PuR neighborhoods –55% in PuR + handwashing neighborhoods “No benefit by combining”
Selected Research: Chulli Filter Critical evaluation –21% reported use –Cost, inconvenience, mechanical problems –Only 4/101 still using –Stored samples indicated recomtamination “resolve before further implementation”
Summary Steve is a: –Solid researcher who loves learning –Not afraid to publish unpopular data –Father, husband –Astounding mentor –A man who lives his work –Says “if you want peace, work for public health”