Bioinformatics Lab 陳博現 老師 吳謂勝 博二生 陳泓竹 碩二生 林立協 劉家榮 張文杰 碩一生 執行計畫 國科會 基因體醫學國家型科技計畫 國科會 基因體醫學國家型科技計畫 統計模型與訊號處理在蛋白質酵素功能活性部位偵測上之應用
Bioinformatics a new emerging interdisciplinary research area interface between biological and computational sciences (math, ee, cs,…) computational management of all kinds of biological information
Biological information is hierarchical in nature DNA mRNA protein protein interactions informational pathways informational networks cells tissues or networks of cells an organism populations ecologies
Research topics DNA level: DNA sequence alignment; gene prediction; gene evolution;… RNA level: gene expression study; transcription mechanism; post-transcription modification;…
Protein level: protein 2D, 3D structure prediction; protein active site prediction; protein-protein interactions; protein-DNA interactions;… System level: (pathways, networks) Genome 基因體學 (gene-gene interactions) ex. use gene chips to study gene regulatory network Proteome 蛋白體學 (protein-protein interactions) ex. use protein chips to study protein interaction network
Microarray a kind of gene chips record the gene expression profiles (in time series) of the whole genome with large amount of biological information imbedded need to develop data mining methodology to extract this biological information
2015/6/20 Principle of Microarray 在 slide 上點上已知的單股 DNA 片段 (probe), 做成檢驗用的 slide 。 取得待檢的單股 cDNA(target), 並標示螢 光染劑放在 slide 上和 probe 作用。 使用螢光顯微鏡觀察染色的情形。 Printing Hybridization Scanning Analysis 分析染色的 pattern 便可進一步研究待檢 DNA/RNA 的資訊。
傳統方法基因晶片 見樹不見林見樹又見林 大海撈針一網打盡 下一代生物晶片 (3D) 多功能 高靈敏度 較易檢測及操作 可重複使用 研發成功後可廣泛應用於 : 癌症研究、診斷、治療 高血壓、糖尿病、老化等複雜症狀之研究 快速之各種病毒感染檢測 史丹福 大學 清華 大學 清華特色 光電 微機電 生技生化 國立清華大學 分子生醫光電實驗室 基因晶片及新型生物晶片之研發與應用 20,100 點 在 2 cm x 2 cm
Affymetrix GeneChip
Microarray data
Gene expression profiles
Construct the gene regulatory network cells regulate their gene expression during development or in response to the change of the environment use the expression profiles of the yeast cell cycle (about 6,000 genes) as data sets develop computational algorithms to construct the gene regulatory network
Requirement of students preliminary courses: genetics, biological database, introduction to microarray, statistics, … weekly meeting to present bio-related papers be familiar with Matlab software package wish to do bioinformatics research in your master career