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Download J2SDK and Jcreaotor! 4.0. I Install J2SDK FIRST then install Jcreator! 4.0
After you’re done with installation, go to the directory where you’ve installed J2SDK For example in this case C:\Program Files\Java\JDK1.50_01. Once you open JDK1.50_01, OPEN a file called bin. You will advance to this current page. Right click on javac, choose Properties and then copy its LOCATION.
Now, go to CONTROL PANEL, then open SYSTEM. A GO to ADVANCED, and then below, click on ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. A NEW window will open, and then. under “System Variables”, choose the variable called Path and click on EDIT.
Then, a small window will appear. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR DEFAULT VARIABLE VALUE. KEEP THE VARIABLE VALUE AS IT IS. However, GO TO THE END of you VARIABLE VALUE and PASTE the LOCATION of javac from BEFORE(3 rd slide), so that the location of javac is ADDED to the variable value which was ALREADY there. Then press OK. Keep the previous variable value, and paste your “location” at the end.
After that. Go to Command Promt or “Ms-Dos” and type javac, then press ENTER. You should get the following result.