uPortal System Architecture
System Requirements Microsoft Windows Solaris Linux Mac OS X
Software Requirements Sun JDK 1.3 or above Ant or above (Java build tool) Servlet Container/Engine compatible with Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 API (Tomcat 3.3.2) JDBC Compliant Database (Hypersonic SQL)
Browser Compatibility Netscape 4 and above Internet Explorer 4 and above Mozilla 5 and above
J2EE The portal architecture can take advantage of the J2EE services provided by the Web Container. Can use JMS, JTA as available Can handle Applets, Servlets, JSP pages
Channel Types Custom Applet Image Inline Frame Portlet RSS Web Proxy WSRP Consumer XML Transformation
Custom Channel Creation Custom channels are written in Java: CHelloWorld.java CHelloWorld.ssl (stylesheet) normal_explorer.xsl normal_netscape.xsl about.xsl (optional)
Portlet Packaged channel Requires compiled java class(es) Portlet library (lib/portlet-api jar) Web descriptor (portlet.xml) When finished, package into a JAR file, then rename to.war
Pushed Fragments A channel forced on a group of users Fragment owner has access to modify settings of a fragment
Lessons Learned uPortal documentation refers to old versions, and/or is incomplete PATH to the JDK is important JAVA_HOME is important to set! CLASSPATH is also necessary when using the JDBC database connector JAR Copy and modify ant.bat (or ant.sh) for uportal folder Use ‘ant deploy’ in uportal folder to recompile java for your JDK!
MySQL caveat Documentation refers to older version of MySQL and JDBC connector Current version (MySQL and MySQL-JDBC-Connector 3.1.8) uses different naming schemes when you modify dbloader.xml, names and versions must be exact! (see JdbcExample1.java)