Management Information Systems Background Definition of information systems Knowledge needed to succeed
Motivational Questions What is the largest US industry? –IT -- passed auto industry about 10 years ago What is the largest Oregon industry? –IT -- passed wood products about 10 years ago What percentage of economic growth is accounted for by IT? –Accounts for 38% of economic growth What industry has the highest labor demand? –Highest labor demand Highest labor demandHighest labor demand
What is “Information” Data Raw facts that are captured, recorded, stored and classified, but not organized to convey an specific meaning Information Collection of data organized to convey meaning Knowledge Information organized and processed to convey understanding, experiences, accumulated learning and expertise as it applies to a business process
What is Information Technology? The technology that is used to gather, store, manipulate, and distribute data/information –Hardware –Software –Database –Telecommunications
What is an “Information System”? Combination of information technology, people and procedures –Procedures are the strategies, policies, methods and rules for using the information system
Success of Information Systems? Good news: –25% of large IS are “successful” –That is, the IS addresses system goals and is used Bad news: –75% of IS are not “successful”
What makes an IS “successful”? Old definition of success –Use Only if voluntary New definition of success –Does it add value to enterprise Cut costs (efficient) Improve quality (effective) Does what it should do (efficacious) Provide new opportunities (enable) Usable (easy to use, makes sense)
What knowledge is needed to create a successful IS? Combine information technology with business needs –Business Analyst Application of information technology to: –Solve business problems –Create new business opportunities –Enhance decision-making –Further competitive strategies
Career options Large companies need a huge range of information technologies and systems to support their core business –Maintain a corporate Web site –Implement middleware bridging the mainframe and the Internet –Manage the network and intranet –Build and provide access to complex databases –Set up security measures –Build business-to-business networks