Diode with an RLC Load vL(t) vC(t) VCo
Close the switch at t = 0 VCo
KVL around the loop
Characteristic Equation
3 Cases Case 1 = ω0 “critically damped” s1 = s2 = - roots are equal i(t) = (A1 + A2t)es1t
3 Cases (continued) Case 2 > ω0 “overdamped” roots are real and distinct i(t) = A1es2t + A2es2t
3 Cases (continued) Case 3 < ω0 “underdamped” s1,2 = - +/- jωr ωr = the “ringing” frequency, or the damped resonant frequency ωr = √ωo2 – α2 i(t) = e-t(A1cosωrt + A2sinωrt) exponentially damped sinusoid
Example 2.6
Determine an expression for the current
Determine an expression for the current
Determine the conduction time of the diode The conduction time will occur when the current goes through zero.
Conduction Time
Freewheeling Diodes Freewheeling Diode
Freewheeling Diodes D2 is reverse biased when the switch is closed When the switch opens, current in the inductor continues. D2 becomes forward biased, “discharging” the inductor.
Analyzing the circuit Consider 2 “Modes” of operation. Mode 1 is when the switch is closed. Mode 2 is when the switch is opened.
Circuit in Mode 1 i1(t)
Mode 1 (continued)
Circuit in Mode 2 I1 i2
Mode 2 (continued)
Example 2.7
Inductor Current
Recovery of Trapped Energy Return Stored Energy to the Source
Add a second winding and a diode “Feedback” winding The inductor and feedback winding look like a transformer
Equivalent Circuit Lm = Magnetizing Inductance v2/v1 = N2/N1 = i1/i2
Refer Secondary to Primary Side
Operational Mode 1 Switch closed @ t = 0 Diode D1 is reverse biased, ai2 = 0
vD = Vs(1+a) = reverse diode voltage primary current i1 = is Vs = vD/a – Vs/a vD = Vs(1+a) = reverse diode voltage primary current i1 = is Vs = Lm(di1/dt) i1(t) = (Vs/Lm)t for 0<=t<=t1
ai2 = 0, D1 is reverse biased is = i1 v1 = Vs
v2 = av1 = aVs -v1 + vD/a – Vs/a = 0 vD = Vs(1+a)
Operational Mode 2 Begins @ t = t1 when switch is opened i1(t = t1) = (Vs/Lm)t1 = initial current I0 Lm(di1/dt) + Vs/a = 0 i1(t) = -(Vs/aLm)t + I0 for 0 <= t <= t2
i1 = 0 (is = 0) i1 becomes ai2 is = -ai2 (into source Vs)
vD = 0, D1 is forward biased
Waveform Summary
Find the conduction time t2 Solve -(Vs/aLm)t2 + I0 = 0 yields t2 = (aLmI0)/Vs I0 = (Vst1)/Lm t1 = (LmI0)/Vs t2 = at1
Example 2.8 Lm = 250μH N1 = 10 N2 = 100 VS= 220V There is no initial current. Switch is closed for a time t1 = 50μs, then opened. Leakage inductances and resistances of the transformer = 0.
Determine the reverse voltage of D1 The turns ratio is a = N2/N1 = 100/10 = 10 vD = VS(1+a) = (220V)(1+10) = 2420 Volts
Calculate the peak value of the primary and secondary currents From above, I0 = (Vs/Lm)t1 I0 = (220V/250μH)(50μs) = 44 Amperes I’0 =I0/a = 44A/10 = 4.4 Amperes
Determine the conduction time of the diode t2 = (aLmI0)/Vs t2 = (10)(250μH)(44A)/220V t2 = 500μs or, t2 = at1 t2 = (10)(50μs)
Determine the energy supplied by the Source W = (1/2)((220V)2/(250μH))(50μs)2 W = 0.242J = 242mJ W = 0.5LmI02 = (0.5)(250x10-6)(44A)2 W = 0.242J = 242mJ