Manuel Ruiz-Villarreal Pablo Otero Paula Conde Alvaro Peliz Jesús Dubert The Iberian Poleward Current around N and NW Iberia
ROMS-AGRIF Full physics. Meteorological forcing by a high resolution model (MM5/Meteogalicia or HIRLAM/INM) Three grids with 15Km, ~5Km and 1.8 km. Larger grid introduces a realistic large scale meridional pressure gradient and Climatological forcing and run in the larger domain (Peliz & Dubert) Realistic meteo forcing from August 2002 Configuration
Salinity and velocity at 100 m
Meridional velocity
Mediterranean Water
Weakening Enhanced slope current Upwelling of slope current waters downwelling relaxation upwelling Slope current response to wind events Daily model cross-section of density and S at 42 N
downwelling relaxation upwelling Subsurface maximum Surface intensified Poleward velocity response to wind events oo o
SST AVHRR vs model SST
Hydrographical section vs model
Quickscat vs MM5
Sensitivity tests hmin=40m, theta_b=0.2 Broader density signature hmin=40m, theta_b=0.0 Enhanced mesoscale activity hmin=10m, theta_b=0.0 More intense IPC
Conclusions We have set-up a realistic configuration for studying the poleward slope flow off N and NW Iberia IPC exhibits variability in response to wind events. On the north coast, wind forcing can be the dominant term in the penetration of IPC. Our work in progress is an evaluation of physical terms; sensitivity to different parameters and setting-up other periods of simulation.