Program Directors’ Retreat Assessment of CanMEDS Roles 23 rd May 2007 prepared by Dr Harish Amin Assistant Dean, PGME
Objectives: for University of Calgary Residency Programs summarize how Collaborator, Manager, Health Advocate, and Professional are being taught summarize how Collaborator, Manager, Health Advocate, and Professional are being assessed share some of the innovative methods
Collaborator: Teaching Large Groups: team-building retreats Small Groups Conflict workshops Multidisciplinary team rounds OR/Trauma resuscitation teams Academic ½ day e.g. cultural issues Apprenticeship Learning CTUs multidisciplinary teams Ambulatory clinics / Emergency room Member of team ( code/trauma)
Manager: Teaching Small Groups PGME workshops: [financial management, billing] CHR Patient Safety CPC with Dept Pathology Q&S committees M&M rounds Apprenticeship Learning Daily management on CTUs & ERs, delegation of duties Organizing resident retreats & call schedules Chief resident role Resident clinics – patient scheduling, clinic management … Committee reps
Health Advocate: Teaching Large Groups Retreats: HIV, Fatigue & sleep, patient safety, healthy active living Grand rounds, Core curriculum workshops/lectures Small Groups PGME workshops: Patient Safety QI committees, SBAR Camps: diabetes, asthma, oncology Apprenticeship Learning Rotation specific objectives e.g. re: smoking cessation Ambulatory clinics / ER: preventive measures, safe blood banking Community targeted literature ( e.g. KIDS DOC - populations at risk)
Professional: Teaching Large Groups Retreats: wellness, maintaining motivation, physician health Grand rounds Small Groups PGME: Resident Ethics and Medico-legal days Faculty: Policies/guidelines on professionalism Medical errors and impact on residents Academic ½ day e.g. risk management, research ethics Apprenticeship Learning Ethics in daily clinical encounters Role modeling by faculty
Collaborator: Assessment Small Groups OSCEs (e.g. team work during resuscitation) Apprenticeship Learning Concerns reviewed with patient care managers Multidisciplinary teams: teaching done & teaching received Ward/CTU ITERS High fidelity human patient simulation
Manager: Assessment Small Groups Senior residents on management of junior residents & clinical team members Apprenticeship Learning Feedback from preceptors, 360° Chief resident role Ward/CTU/Rotation ITERS
Health Advocate: Assessment Small Groups Residents’ Research Day presentations Apprenticeship Learning Oral exams on prevention topics Ward/ER ITERs OSCE Faculty review of resident-prepared literature on advocacy directed to community
Professional: Assessment Small Groups OSCEs (Bioethics/palliative care) Apprenticeship Learning Performance on rotation Ward ITERs Self-assessments O&G, simulator, Medico-legal day
Examples of innovative teaching & assessment methods OSCE OG: PGY3/4 organize and run practices for PGY5 Peds: Heath advocacy, preventive counseling, conflict management Simulation ER/Critical care/Peds: scenarios dealing with resuscitation, emergent care, palliative care, etc Educational literature for community Peds: KIDS DOC – includes heath advocacy issues & Dx and Mx of common conditions Self-directed assessment OG/IM: Books, websites,
Acknowledgements Dr. Otto Rorstad – introduced format of large/small groups/apprentice learning/self- directed learning Thank you to all PDs who responded to the PGME Survey on CanMEDS assessment methods used in their programs. Data analysis is under way. Thank you to all of you in taking time to attend this workshop Thank you and WELCOME to Jason Frank for what is to follow!