MMSTI Montana Math and Science Teacher Initiative
Tests of College Readiness 2 Of Montana’s 2009 high school graduates: 54% took ACT, 22% took SAT, and 70% took MUSWA tests.
Average scores & Readiness thresholds 3 Montana’s class of 2009 averages were above national averages and college-readiness thresholds.
Percent ready by threshold 4 Depending on the measure used, 48% to 81% of the students tested College Ready.
Students’ Planned Majors & ACT Scores 5 19%: Health Sciences and Related Fields (21.9) 15%: Undecided(21.9) 9%: Agriculture Sciences and Technologies (19.9) 7% Business and Management (21.2) 6% Biological and Physical Sciences(24.2) 6% Social Sciences (24.2) 6% Visual and Performing Arts (22.1) 5% Engineering: (24.5) Based on 5,960 Montana High School Students
Percent of Students Ready by Subject 6 ACT conducts studies to set minimum thresholds at which students will have a 75% chance of earning C’s or higher as freshmen in college. The reading score predicts success in history and the science score predicts biology.
An Example of Aspiration/Readiness Disconnect 7 Of those students interested in Health Care Fields: 71% are ready for college composition 55% are ready for college social sciences 30% are ready for college mathematics 19% are ready for college biology Based on ACT scores in English, Reading, Math, and Science and Interest Inventory on ACT
High School Rigor Improves Readiness 8 ACT and the College Board define Core as 4 yrs of English, 3 yrs math, 3 yrs science, & 3 yrs social sciences. Both tests show significant gains for students with rigorous high school courses.
MUSWA Has Improved Readiness in Writing 9 These trend lines are based on both an increasing number of test-takers and increasing scores. In 2001, 3,365 students tested, 228 of whom were American Indian. In 2009, 7,753 students tested, 534 of whom were American Indian.
Developmental Education Serves Under-prepared Students 10 These rates are for the MUS only and do not include Community or Tribal Colleges. In 2009, Common Course Numbering corrected possible errors in classification of developmental courses.
For more information about College Readiness 11 Go to the Montana University System “Preparing for College” Website: Admissions standards Charts, graphs, helpful links Mathematics Proficiency Initiative Writing Proficiency Initiative Contact the Director of Academic Initiatives Jan Clinard, Ed.D.