+ Gold By: Habiba Sallam 7D
+ The Basics Image: Name:Gold Atomic Symbol: Au Atomic Number: 79 Atomic Mass:197 Classification:Metal
+ Appearance Color:Metallic butter yellow (Gold) Phase:Solid Transparency:Opaque Melting Point: °C Boiling Point:2856 °C
+ History of Discovery Until today, no body really knows who discovered gold. Though, it is predicted that gold is the first metal used by humans. This element goes back as far as recorded history goes. It has been used by many ancient civilization such as the ancient Egyptians. Gold was used to decorate Egyptian mummies, and many of the tombs were made out of gold. And very much like now-a-days, the ancient Egyptians used to wear jewelry made out of gold, and the richer you were, the more gold you had.
+ Use #1 – Jewelry The most common use of gold is jewelry, such as, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings etc. The reason why gold is used very commonly in manufacturing jewelry is because of it’s color, because it’s attractive, and also because it can easily be bent, and transformed into different shapes and sizes. 78% of the world’s gold each year, is consumed in jewelry making.
+ Use #2 – Dentistry Imagine getting an iron filling, you’ll have to get used to the taste of iron in your mouth. Gold is the best metal used in dentistry because of its high-level performance and tasteful appeal. Gold mixtures are used for fillings, crowns, bridges and orthodontic devices. Gold is used in dentistry because it is chemically motionless, and it’s easy for the dentist to work with it.
+ Use #3 – Medicine In a number of medical cases, gold is used as medicine. Particles of this element are implanted into tissues of the human body to help treat certain kinds of cancers. A small amount of gold is used to help cure an illness named Lagophthalmos, this disease is an incapability of a person to close their eyes completely, which affects their daily sleep and eye sight. This condition is treated by injecting a tiny amount of gold in the upper eyelid.
+ Bibliography: Information
+ Bibliography: Images egyptian%20jewelry.jpg egyptian%20jewelry.jpg 0ring.jpg 0ring.jpg jewellery gif jewellery gif