Annual Financial Review For the Fiscal Year July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009
Operating Fund As a result of operations, reserve and unallocated fund balance increased by $600,000 to $12.4 million. The District Board of Trustees reserved $3.5 million of the operational fund balance designated for land purchases at the Osceola and/or Southeast campus. 2
Operating Revenues 3 Dollars in Millions
Operating Expenditures 4
Fund Definitions Fund 1 –General Operations Fund 2 –Restricted Funds Fund 3 –Bookstore & Auxiliary Operations Fund 4 –Loans & Quasi-Endowments Fund 5 –Scholarships/Financial Aid Fund 6 –Agency Accounts (Clubs) Fund 7 –Construction & Major Renovations of Facilities Fund 8 –Payment of Bonds Fund 9 –Plant Assets 5
Assets (All Funds) 6 Dollars in Millions
Capital Acquisitions Completed Capital Projects in FY0809: West Culinary Arts Addition - $6.1m West Allied Health Building - $21.9m West Campus Chiller - $7.3m Construction in Progress includes: West Joint Use Building - $21.9m East Campus Chiller - $4.2m 7
Liabilities (All Funds) 8 Dollars in Millions
Revenues (All Funds) Total Revenues = $267.4 million 9
Expenditures (All Funds) Total Expenses = $232.0 million 10
Closing Questions