Hutch Neilson NCSX Project Manager Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory NCSX Research Forum #1 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.


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Presentation transcript:

Hutch Neilson NCSX Project Manager Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory NCSX Research Forum #1 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory December 7, 2006 NCSX Project and Management

2 Outline NCSX History Construction Status Plans for Completing Construction and Starting Research

3 NCSX is the Key Element of the U.S. Program to Develop Compact Stellarators, Proposed in 1998 Program Goal “Develop the knowledge base needed to evaluate compact high-beta confinement-optimized stellarators as attractive fusion power plants.” – proposal, “Determine the attractiveness of a compact stellarator.” –FESAC, Since 1998, all elements of the program have moved forward. Stellarator physics development –Theory and international collaboration on stellarators Reactor studies –ARIES-CS study now nearing completion. Experiments targeting specific issues –HSX (U. Wisconsin), CTH (Auburn U.), QPS (ORNL) National Compact Stellarator Experiment (PPPL-ORNL) –Integrated physics test of a compact stellarator configuration. –NCSX research campaigns to start in 2009.

4 NCSX Research Mission Acquire the physics data needed to assess the attractiveness of compact stellarators; advance understanding of 3D fusion science. Understand… Beta limits and limiting mechanisms. Effect of 3D magnetic fields on disruptions Reduction of neoclassical transport by QA design. Confinement scaling; reduction of anomalous transport. Equilibrium islands and neoclassical tearing-mode stabilization. Power and particle exhaust compatibility w/good core performance. Alfvénic mode stability in reversed shear compact stellarator. Demonstrate… Conditions for high-beta, disruption-free operation. High , good confinement, compatible w/st. state. NCSX mission and basic configuration were approved in 2001

5 The Stellarator is Being Constructed in Accordance with Mission Requirements Requirements R = 1.4 m,  a  = 0.3 m B = T / pulse 0.5 – 2 s. Mod coil current center geometry as specified by optimization. Plasma configuration flexibility. Initial trim coil set. Field errors minimized (±1.5 mm coil accuracy, low , low eddy currents, stellarator symmetry) Diagnostic and heating port access. Embedded magnetic loops. VV bakeable to 350 C. Acceptance Tests at Completion First B=0.5 T, I P = 25 kA. e-beam B= 0.1 T Project started- April, Component fab. started- Oct., 2004 First plasma milestone- July, 2009.

6 Coil Design Reduces Field Error Risks Robust structural shell minimizes deflections. Toroidal and poloidal breaks inhibit eddy currents.  ≈ 17 ms. Winding form stays with the coil as a permanent structure. Modular Coil System Winding Modular coil winding form (MCWF) one per coil.

7 Winding Forms Are Manufactured to ±0.25 mm Tolerance on Critical Surfaces All 18 Have Been Cast 11 Have Completed Machining and Shipped to PPPL. “Tee”-shaped winding surface

8 Flexible copper “rope” wound on “tee” winding surface. Current center is accurately positioned and secured in place. Completed assembly is epoxy-impregnated by VPI. Coils are tested for insulation strength, resistance, cooling line leaks. 6 coils have been completed. Coil Construction Achieves ±0.5 mm Accuracy

9 Vacuum Vessel Was Fabricated to ±5 mm Accuracy All 3 Sectors at PPPL! Material: inconel Low  (  1.02  0 ), Low eddy currents (  ≈ 3 ms) 1 2 3

10 Assembly Activities Have Started Mounting locations for flux loops and heating/cooling hoses are transferred from CAD model to vessel using laser scanner.

11 Coil-to-Coil Fit-Up Tests Have Started Inboard I.D. Outboard I.D. Testing handling and metrology techniques.

12 NCSX is On Schedule for July, 2009 First Plasma Construction Project Budget: $92.4M Scope is tightly focused on first plasma objectives.

13 NCSX Experimental Campaigns Start in FY-09 Research Phases: 1. Stellarator Acceptance Testing & First Plasma (Fab. Project) 2. Magnetic configuration studies –electron-beam mapping studies 3. Initial Heating Experiment –1.5-3 MW of NBI MW of ECH. –B  1.2T –Partial PFC coverage 4. High beta Experiments –6MW heating –B = 2T. –Divertor. FY-06FY-07FY-08FY-09FY-10 Fabrication Project Phase 1 & 2 Equipment 21 FY-11FY-12FY-13 1st Plasma Phase 2 Equipment Full field, more diags. 4 Full PFCs & divertor 3 NCSX will operate every other year, alternating with NSTX.

14 Research Planning is Consistent With DOE’s Five-Year Plan (FY07-11) NCSX-NSTX planning budgets Basis for input to DOE planning and budgets. Science = Research Diagnostic Equipment Facilities = Construction (ends in 09) Upgrade Equipment Facility Ops Alternation Plan Maintains Diversity of Science and Opportunities for Upgrades within Tight Budgets.

15 How NSTX-NCSX Alternation Will Work Both NSTX & NCSX Research are national/international collaborations. –NCSX Research led by PPPL-ORNL partnership Joint facility operation staff, alternating between NSTX & NCSX. Will share equipment when sensible (some already envisioned). Shared research staff –Most will participate in both experiments, alternating U.S. Collaborators that participate on both NSTX & NCSX will increase efficiency, highly desirable.

16 NCSX Research Program Management NCSX is managed by PPPL and ORNL as partners. Arrangement has worked well for the construction project. –Strong institutional support from two DOE Science labs. PPPL-ORNL management responsibilities for the research program –Program planning and execution. –Host research collaborations (e.g., human and technical interfaces) –Facility operations (PPPL) and upgrades (PPPL-ORNL). Research Preparation Tasks Maintain an up-to-date research plan. Set hardware requirements and schedules consistent with research goals and expected funding profiles. Ensure a cost-effective transition to research operations. Responsible people: M. Zarnstorff, Head R. Maingi, Deputy Head.

17 Starting from FY-11, About 1/4 to 1/3 of NCSX Science Will Be Done by Collaborators Process will be similar to NSTX’s Annual Research Forums to inform plans and identify collaborator interests. Project identifies collaboration needs in a “program letter” to DOE. Proposers & project coordinate to ensure common understanding of requirements. Proposals go to DOE. DOE decides and provides funding. Plan NCSX and NSTX will issue joint program letters, encouraging collaboration on both experiments. First NCSX program letter and proposal call are expected in FY08 for funding in FY09–12. (Note transition to 4-year cycles.) Limited NCSX collaborations planned for FY Main focus is FY11 and beyond. At this Research Forum: –Project will present its current plans, including envisioned collaborator roles. –Input from the community is sought. oFeedback on the project’s plans. oIdeas and suggestions, including collaboration interests. oQuestions and concerns. First NCSX program letter will go out after next year’s Research Forum.

18 Summary NCSX is being constructed to mission requirements. Construction is on schedule for July, 2009 First Plasma. Research program planning is under way. Goals for this meeting: –Broaden community involvement in NCSX planning. –Begin discussing possible collaborations.