HORIZON POINT custom weather analysis agebb.missouri.edu/horizonpoint
HORIZON POINT custom weather analysis PRECISE Information PROCESSED by MU Extension for better MANAGEMENT decision agebb.missouri.edu/horizonpoint
HORIZON POINT: Precise Information Historical Precipitation Air and Soil Temperature Forecasted Precipitation Temperature Wind Speed and Direction
HORIZON POINT: Processed by MU Extension Processed Reports Runoff Estimator Animal Comfort Weed Emergence Black Cutworm Alfalfa Weevil Rice Model Soil Temperatures Others?
HORIZON POINT: for better Management decisions User Supplies Latitude/Longitude address Farm Information User Chooses How often to receive reports Which reports to receive How they use the reports
HORIZON POINT University Team Ray Massey – economist, crop team Pat Guinan – climatologist John Travlos – AgEBB director John Lory – soils scientist, crop team Commercial Ag Crops and Livestock Teams agebb.missouri.edu/horizonpoint