Homelessness in an Urban Environment
The Problem The main problem is “permanent” housing revamping the homelessness system Health Care for Homeless Jobs for Homeless Current homeless programs are expensive
The Causes The main cause is unaffordable housing Lack of decent education Mental illnesses Substance abuse lack of incentives to work
The Facts Each year 100,000 new Yorkers experience homelessness. The cost of sheltering a homeless family in the new York city shelter system is $36,000 per year, while the cost for a homeless individual is $23,000 per year. Over 60 percent of homeless families previously resided in four of new York city’s poorest neighborhoods (the south Bronx, Harlem, Bedford- Stuyvesant, and east new York). The number of homeless new Yorkers residing in shelters each night is at the highest point in new York city’s history.
Non-solutions Current Homeless Programs “Temporary” shelters / housing Abolishing of homeless programs
Utilize funding in a more cost-efficient method Provide homeless with “permanent” housing Provide homeless with job training Assist homeless in finding health care Assist homeless in finding a home Reinstating homeless into society The Solution