| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 1 DDC in Germany: experiences and perspectives Dr. Heidrun Alex
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 2 DDC in Germany – a short history no nationwide standard and no central bibliographical service in the field of classification 1998: Working Group on Classification founded 2000: feasibility study for the introduction of Dewey in Germany interests: library networks/larger university libraries: offer access to cataloguing data with Dewey numbers which are often transferred from the LC or from the BL German National Library: offers subject access to national as well as to international libraries and users
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 3 Main points of criticism DDC was considered to represent the state of the scientific and technical knowledge in the late 19 th century the scheme was identified with a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant point of view deficits in fields like German and European law different viewpoints of the academic tradition and organisation of subjects centralised and strict management and the legal and economic organisation strong copyright restrictions high fees for licensing
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 4 The project DDC German October 2002 – August 2005 funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) aims: translation of DDC 22 improving access in German terminology development of electronic tools cooperation between German National Library University of Applied Sciences in Cologne
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 5 Magda Heiner-Freiling († )
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 6 DDC 22 German: print version Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation und Register. Begründet von Melvil Dewey. DDC 22. Hrsg. von Joan S. Mitchell unter Mitwirkung von Julianne Beall, Giles Martin, Winton E. Matthews, Jr. und Gregorg R. New. Deutsche Ausgabe. Hrsg. von Der Deutschen Bibliothek. 4 Bände. K.G. Saur, München 2005 Lois Mai Chan, Joan S. Mitchell: Dewey- Dezimalklassifikation. Theorie und Praxis. Lehrbuch zur DDC 22. Deutsche Übersetzung. Hrsg. von Der Deutschen Bibliothek. K.G. Saur, München 2006 Übersichten Dewey-Dezimalklassifikation DDC 22 Deutsch. Hrsg. von Der Deutschen Bibliothek. Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin 2005
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 7 DDC 22 German: Melvil offered by the German National Library since 2006 MelvilClass: classification tool MelvilSearch: retrieval tool
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 8 DDC in the German National Library 2004: DDC subject categories 2006: full Dewey numbers for two smaller series of the national bibliography 2007: full Dewey numbers for the main series of the national bibliography now: approximate 100,000 titles per year 2008: 123,080 titles
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 9 Special features possibility of two or even three Dewey numbers cases in point: rule of three or the first-of-two-rule different scientific traditions a data model with separate fields for the different elements in Dewey numbers providing access to all elements in built numbers arrangements for standing room
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 10 Working with Dewey shows number building needs a lot of time very error-prone process impossible to control the number building process rules: are too complicated it’s too difficult to find the respective instruction notations are not deep enough and cannot describe the document’s content precisely enough support: it’s helpful to discuss individual cases with experienced classifiers it’s not helpful to research the practice of other libraries we acknowledge the work of the editors and their effort to improve the DDC
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 11 Other ways of using Dewey organisation of subject information services (portals, virtual libraries or other presentations available in the web) not using Dewey in detail avoiding the process of number building using the second or third Summary using Dewey on a “medium level” gradually, several variations of using Dewey emerge
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 12 CrissCross and retrieval Project CrissCross crosswalk between DDC and SWD linking 150,000 subject headings with DDC numbers Aims improving access in German terminology improving the retrieval possibilities
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 13 Updating Melvil we have to keep Melvil updated more than 10,000 classes have to be updated between DDC 22 and DDC 23 aims: to be up to date by the end of 2010 short time gap between the English DDC 23 and the German one documenting the updates: temporary solution: tabulations ( deutsch.de/produkte/aktualisierungen.htm) necessary: a history information within Melvil
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 14 Consequences for CrissCross updating the linkings between SWD and DDC keep out-dated numbers, an example: 800 |s|Tsunami #3# [ ] #3# [ ] { } #1# [ ] #2# [ ] { } valid since current outdated checked upon valid until
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 15 New license agreement within the next few months between OCLC and DNB valid for the German DDC two larger issues: display of the German Dewey data redistribution of the data to third parties MelvilSearch: full hierarchy for public display numbers can be shown together with their captions use subject to Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND 3.0 (
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 16
| Dewey goes Europe, ÖNB Wien, 28. April 2009 | 17 Further information