(7 Minutes) 1. COMPLETE the following graphic organizer with the right terms: Igneous Rock Type How is this rock made? 3 Examples Describe what they look like Igneous Rock Chart
Tutorials Tuesday: After School, 3:20-3:40 Tuesday: Period 9, 2:30-2:50 Retakes Tuesday: After School Wednesday: Period 9 Friday: Period 9 and After School Hand back quizzes
Write over everything on your Sedimentary Rock Cards in GREEN Write over everything on your Igneous Rock Cards in RED You Have 7 Minutes!!!
Here’s What’s Coming Up… Tomorrow – Metamorphic Rocks Thursday – Rock Cycle and Review Friday – Quiz over 3 rock types, rock cycle, ACT practice, maybe Swine Flu talk Monday – Faults & Folds Tuesday – F&F Quiz, Rock Age Notes Wednesday – Practice Rock Age (PSAT) Thursday – Practice Rock Age Friday – Rock Age Quiz
Let’s Look at Some Examples of Igneous Rocks Your group will get samples of rocks. Your job is to place them as intrusive or extrusive and use the chart on page U20 in your reading packet to discover which rock it is. You have 6 minutes. The group with the most correct answers wins Smarties. Use these colors and crystal sizes to find rock name (Frothy)
If it is in this color, write it down. If it is in this color, DON’T write it down.
Always write down the date and topic in your notebook. So today, the top of your page should say: October 6, 2009Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks Made from high heat and pressure inside the Earth Rocks inside the Earth subjected to heat and pressure but not enough to melt will metamorphose (change) into a different form Transposition – minerals of a rock elongate and morph during metamorphosis 2 types: Foliated and Nonfoliated