Marcus Ziegler SCIPP/UCSCPulsar VRVS Meeting 1 Light curves from pulsars found in a blind search in the DC2 data Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope Marcus Ziegler
Marcus Ziegler SCIPP/UCSCPulsar VRVS Meeting 2 Update on Blind Search Catalog with reprocessed DC2 Data Source_NameLBSpectral_IndexSignificanceF0F1Name MRF E-12PSR_J0904m5008 MRF E-12Unknown Pulsar MRF E-11PSR_B0833m45 Vela MRF E-13PSR_J0717m1235 MRF E-13PSR_J1735m5757 MRF E-12PSR_J0633p1746 Geminga MRF E-11PSR_J2229p6114 MRF E-11PSR_J1420m6048 MRF E-12Low statistic source (noise) MRF E-12Unknown Pulsar MRF E-13PSR_J1739m2903 MRF E-12PSR_J1015m5719 MRF E-13PSR_J1852m2610 MRF E-09PSR_B0531p21 3x Crab MRF E-13PSR_J1638m5226 MRF E-12Unknown Pulsar MRF E-12PSR_J1637m4642 MRF E-10? MRF E-13PSR_J1741m3927 MRF E-11? MRF E-11PSR_J1104m6103
Marcus Ziegler SCIPP/UCSCPulsar VRVS Meeting 3 Vela light curve from Radio Position Epoch= F0= F1= E-11 F2= 6.26E-22 Epoch= F0= F1= e-011 F2= 6.26E-22 E:\glast\ScienceTools-v7r1p1>gtephcomp psrdbfile=./DC2_pulsardb_v2.fits This is gtephcomp version v2r1 Pulsar name [PSR_B0833m45] : Reference time at which to find/compute ephemeris [ ] : gtephcomp: User supplied time e+008 seconds GLAST MET TT gtephcomp: Spin ephemeris estimated at the user supplied time is: gtephcomp: Validity : only at epoch gtephcomp: Epoch = seconds GLAST MET TT gtephcomp: Phi0 = gtephcomp: F0 = gtephcomp: F1 = e-011 gtephcomp: F2 = 6.26e-022
Marcus Ziegler SCIPP/UCSCPulsar VRVS Meeting 4 Light curve for source MRF0168 (Vela) Radio :Ep= F0= F1= e-011 F2= 6.26E-22 Optimized :Ep= F0= F1= e-011 F2= -2.30E-20 Vela Radio Position Ra = Dec = MRF0168 Position Ra = Dec = Light curve: Barycenter time correction for MRF0168 position. Pulsar spin parameter from radio position. Barycenter time correction for MRF0168 position. Optimized pulsar spin parameter for MRF0168 pos.
Marcus Ziegler SCIPP/UCSCPulsar VRVS Meeting 5 MRF0182 Light Curve (PSR J ) Epoch_MET = f0= f1= e-014 f2= 4.8 e-021
Marcus Ziegler SCIPP/UCSCPulsar VRVS Meeting 6 MRF0054 Light Curve (unknown pulsar with high significance) Epoch_MET = f0= f1= e-012 f2= 1.0 e-021