Preliminary Data analysis Pat Amatyakul Econ 201 FS 4 February 2009
Data Minute by minute stock data of BA(Boeing) and AXP (American Express) from April 9, 1997 to January 7, 2009 Total of 2923 days for Boeing Total of 2922 days for American Express There are 385 observations per day from 9:35am to 3:59pm
Equations Realized Variance Bipower Variation Tripower Quarticity
Equations(cont) Quad-Power Quarticity Ratio Max-adjusted z statistics
Stock Prices for Boeing Mean=55.13 Min=24.75 Max=107.7
Stock Prices for American Express Mean =44.44 Min=16.61 Max=65.86
5 minute log returns
Realized Variance (Boeing)
Realized Variance (AXP)
Jump tests for Boeing
Results Tripower.95 significance.99 significance.999significance Number of days with jumps Percentage Quadpower Number of days with jumps Percentage
Jump tests for American Express
Tripower.95significance.99significance.999significance Number of days with jumps Percentage Quadpower Number of days with jumps Percentage Results for American Express
Volatility Signature for Boeing
Volatility Signature for AXP
Extensions Use some other sampling frequencies to see whether the results are accurate Finding economic events/annoucements that match the jumping days depicted by the z- statistics Add other stocks that could be related and analyzed those as well