Based on information found from the National mental Health Consumer’s self-help Clearing house Taking on the responsibility for what you need
Attitude Believing in yourself Be assertive Manage your anger Problem solving Educate yourself
Anyone can be an advocate
There is no one who knows you better than yourself
Lack of assertiveness is a major obstacle to obtain the service(s) you want or need
Active listening means that you take steps to find out the information that you need
Not just listen to what the person says
Paraphrase what you have hear the person say Restating gives both of you the understanding of what has been discussed
Assertiveness is not the same as aggression Anger can and does turn people off
Crying can also turn people off And make you look unprofessional
The right attitude can be an effective way to define obstacles and work around them
The end solution to the problem may look very different the from first expectation of the solution
Break down the Problem area of influence area of concern
Develop a solution Be able to see the other side’s point of view Reflect on what you plan to do before you do it
ADA Rehabilitation act of 1974
You are entitled to a “reasonable accommodation” if you can proved a need to this accommodation as a result of your disability
This information is for you not for them
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