Ecological Recycling Society Non Governmental Organization Presented by Antigone Dalamaga 6-7April 2011 ZERO WASTE
Transnatianal SWOT Analysis Main data used Inventory of fact sheets on policy practices and technologies. Examination of waste prevention policy at National regional and local levels and implementation practices. Overall available descriptions of prevention/re- use/recycling activities taken by any type of actors in countries. Final Results in Transnational SWOT analysis IN 18 waste streams/ Practices.
FACT SHEETS Collection of best and worst practices inventory collected by partners. Partners filled out a factsheet and examined local practices. These practices were categorized in Policy, Practice Methodology and/or technology. Analysis will be used as a tool both for policy-makers, giving information on practices their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. Providing orientation for effective policies, and giving practical examples of waste management practices for municipalities and/or other actors.
Fact Sheets Characteristics Practices had to satisfy following Characteristics Related to the minimization of waste production The practice has already finished or on-going It has positive results for specific objectives It is easily transferable to other contexts/areas It has multiplying effects It should be visible, communicable, shareable It is possible to integrate and apply to systems and regulations (vertically) It is sustainable by being self-supporting It produces improvements for society
CONTENT OF FACT SHEETS Description of Practice. Cost Target Results SWOT analysis within local, regional and national context
FACT SHEETS ANALYSED From Partners Best practices (24) 15 practices 3 Policy 4 technological applications 2 Policy Practice and Tech
SWOT ANALYSIS (1-3) 17 Different SWOT analysis were performed focusing on application in practices and waste streams Take back and Recycling of Packaging and Printed Materials Household composting Separate collection and composting of Biowaste
SWOT ANALYSIS (4-8) Composting of garden/green waste Sustainable management of WEEE Management of pharmaceutical products and dangerous household waste Reuse and recycling of textiles (clothing, shoes, accessories and linens) Re-use and recycling of Furniture and other bulky household
SWOT ANALYSIS (9-13) Take back of cooking oils. Sustainable management of End-of-life- vehicles. Sustainable management of Construction and demolition waste Actions relating to Information Technology and Sustainable waste management. Re-use of goods
SWOT ANALYSIS (14-17) Creation of local recycling Banks/centres Public awareness Activities in Municipalities Implementation of charging schemes/systems/policies. Zero-waste policy implementation
SWOT HOUSEHOLD COMPOST Strengths Supports national, European legislation Widespread applicability Can have significant impact source reduction Increases life-span of landfills No permits required Cost-benefit interest for LA Benefit for citizens (citizens benefit from use of compost)
SWOT HOUSEHOLD COMPOST WEAKNESSES When implemented at large-scale local level requires good planning to take all factors at household level into account. There is a cost (although small) Requires very good public awareness and support to citizens
SWOT HOUSEHOLD COMPOST Opportunities Garners strong support from citizens Creates the opportunity for green job creation (directly and indirectly)
SWOT: HOUSEHOLD COMPOST Threat Low awareness of population (if not properly informed especially initially may not bad results)
REUSE SHOPS Strengths Significant job creation in comparison to other waste management practices Social impact: Provides less expensive products to residents (in some LA it is linked to social services) Easily applicable In significant majority of cases it is financially sustainable and income generating activity A lot of bulky waste and quantities are diverted from landfill and lifespan extended Weaknesses Requires continual awareness raising to secure goods from residents Must have a very efficient collection system in place- often have to compete with private actors or residents that want to get rid of it bulky goods immediately.
SWOT: REUSE SHOPS Opportunities Opportunity to reduce landfill costs and increase income and job creation Supports Social initiatives of L.A.- Traditionally in Europe these activities have provided opportunities for marginalized people to be re-introduced into work-field. Easy replicability
SWOT:REUSE SHOPS Threats In periods of economic crisis, although demand for used goods increases there is a decrease of donated goods.
SWOT: ZERO WASTE POLICY APPLICATION AT LOCAL LEVEL Case study Capannori STRENGTHS - Participating to the international network of Zero Waste; - Establishing a synergic and complementary set of actions aimed at recycling and reuse of materials; - The sensitivity of policy makers in the adoption of a Zero Waste policy; - Targeted communication and awareness campaign focusing on the citizen; - Adoption of incentives for citizens (reduction of waste tax); - Active participation of key actors and stakeholders.
SWOT: ZERO WASTE POLICY APPLICATION AT LOCAL LEVEL Case study Capannori Weaknesses Ability to maintain and improve the performance achieved to date; To extend this policy at national level; To adopt effective national legislation, favouring the reduction, recycling and reuse of materials
SWOT: ZERO WASTE POLICY APPLICATION AT LOCAL LEVEL Case study Capannori Opportunity Possibility to replicate the good practice in other national contexts; Ability to generate incomes; Possibility to save public found on waste management; Creating new jobs through the green economy.
If you have a good practice let us know! Thank you ! Contact info: Antigone Dalamanga Ecological Recycling Society Mamai 3, Athens, Greece Tel:
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Reduction of natural resources consumption and promotion of alternative solutions (use of renewable resources) X Reduction pressures on water x Reduction pressures on atmosphere x Reduction pressures on soil x Reduction of noise, electromagnetic or indoor pollution Introduce or improve systems of environmental management x
ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY Reducing environmental impacts of production activities Reducing the cost of the waste management system of the community Low rate cost/incomes Able to produce revenues
Social Sustainability Reducing health risks Produce effects on the employment conditions Raising public opinion and knowledge on sustainable development Increased ability of local communities to influence local decision- making processes Production and distribution of consumer goods on the basis of equity and solidarity criteria Promotion of cultural exchange and facilitation of social integration Participation and cooperation between different actors and stakeholders' categories, disciplines, sectors and agencies Construction of consensus and citizens active involvement
Waste Management Criteria Limit the use (replacement) of substances with high environmental impact Safeguarding the sanitation needs, while avoiding risks of contamination of water, soil and subsoil Increase recovering, reuse, recycling of MSW Dramatically reduce the use of landfills Improving in terms of energy and environmental standard the plants of final treatment