Developing the Vocational Curriculum Barrie Morgan School Improvement Consultant
Pathways 2 Jan Dec Sector All students will be able to access at least 4 applied GCSE’s/vocational qualifications, related to school specialism, with clear progression routes identified. All students to access learning and accreditation in at least 2 key skills, including ICT at appropriate levels. All students to be using Progress File or equivalent processes and each student to have an ILP. Flexible differentiated learning provision involving college, the community or work based learning will be provided for students of all abilities as appropriate. Appropriate individual support and personal development opportunities linked to the ILP will be provided for all students, through a co-ordinated multi – agency support structure. By the end of the project :
All schools to link with the local support networks, including re- engagement, Vocational and Key Skills Co-ordinator groups and cluster groups to further develop flexible work based learning. All teaching and learning resources developed available to all sub – regionally, using the Virtual Learning Environment(VLE) of the SYELP as a focus for the dissemination. School plans should ensure sustainability, embedding activities into the curriculum Funding will support participation between schools, colleges, work based training, HE, Connexions and other partners All schools should be developing links with the employment sectors to enhance work based learning -targeted work place experience in specialist areas -business involvement in course delivery and enterprise activities -links to training programmes leading to employment opportunities -preparation for modern apprenticeships -information, advice and guidance linked to specialist areas and economic growth sectors